first jarring for me ever!


Active Member
So i posted a thread here awhile back about how a topped branch split and i harvested a little early... well she's dry, trimmed, and jarred as of today...and this was only one topped branch with about 10 -12 left on my two plants! Lol.hoping my first cure goes well! Any tips for me guys? How often should i burp?

Was able to fill two 16oz mason jars with the denser buds and took the airy popcorn buds, put em in this silver bowl and threw it in the freezer... gonna make some cannabutter this weekend :)

First timer sold for life on growing! Haha



Well-Known Member
Congratulations on your first jarred harvest! This is my second year and I have everything washed, sorted, and ready to store this year's bounty. Happy trimming!. Tip I only learned after last year's marathon was spraying your scissors with Pam. cheers, mg


Well-Known Member
Keep an eye on the moisture content so as not to have mold or dry to much, a hygrometer would help best 55 to 60% humidity for curing, cure it for at least a month or more if you have the patients you'll be glad you did. Nice havest congradulations well done my friend.


Well-Known Member
If over dried there are a few secrets to bring moister back up. Thin line between completely dry and perfect for curing. You want to have is somewhat moist. Don't dry all in one jar as for one mistake may cause your whole harvest


Po boy

Well-Known Member
nice first harvest! i burp mine twice daily: starting at 30 minutes each time. keep decreasing times of each burping for a little over one or two weeks. you'll get it.

and if u can cure it for at least a month - wow! 2 months even better... oh, i also fill my jars to the top. less air in the jar. GL


Well-Known Member
Good work. It looks good. I agree that the jars are a little full for air but otherwise lookin ok. Enjoy!


Well-Known Member
I keep my buds at around 70*F as much as possible, then burp 2x-3x a day every day. To prevent my bud from drying out to quickly, I use gel packs made for cigar humidors. It keeps the humidity between 68*F to 70*F. After a month I replace the packs and keep RH around 50%-60% depending on how I'm going to use it. If I plan on storing it for an extended period I'll let it get around 45%RH.

You can custom order humidity beads from a few different cigar shops online with heartfelt industries being the best. They last forever and you can recharge them using distilled water. Its good to custom order 45% RH and 50% RH beads. You can then buy 60% to 70% RH beads off the shelf. If you really want to be cheap, I've seen guys use Silica based cat liter. I believe the brand is called Fresh Perls. Not any cat liter will work. I only know of two brands that work and they can't have any perfumes or odor eliminators in them (usually blue or black crystals). Another option is to get an Oasis cigar humidifier.

You can also judge humidity by feel. When it's brittle but still stinky and fresh, its usually around 45% RH. When it squishes, but still feels dry its around 50-60% RH. When it feels moist it's around 70% or higher. Lots of people do it by feel, but it's trickier. Main thing is to keep lots of air flow so gases can escape and microbes can do their thing, but don't let it get to dry or to wet. To dry will kill the microbes and thus stop the curing and to wet will cause mold.


Active Member
Thanks alot for all the tips guys...the strain is master kush..also thanks for the RH percentages, my hygrometer should arrive Friday and im gonna use it on my main harvest.

The two jars are filled off of ONE branch not a full plant...i LSTd and topped, got some bushes but one of the branches i topped split so i am doing trial and error with the dry/ a clone im about to harvest and two females i grew from seed, so still have plenty of bud to harvest!...trimming sucks but im excited to get started on the rest...ill def update

Also i agree that the jars were too filled, some of the buds were smashing against the glass...just got my larger jars in today by mail so i thinned em out a bit and they are coming along well, got a little more room in em now