First large qauntity outdoor grow


Well-Known Member
Whats up fellas, Im looking for a little advice on my situation here.

My buddy and I are all set for this years growing season, living just south of Canada we still have snow on the ground but we are planning to take off by the end of the month with any luck. So here is my deal, I have grown before indoor mostly as I have a good location to do so, but we are looking to put 100 or so plants in the ground this spring, as we also have the location/s to do so.

This is a 2 man grow, we have just over 20 separate spots all picked out, within decent reach of each other all GPS marked. we have a ton of babies in my grow room getting nice and strong. I'm basically looking for advice on how to pull of a grow of this size. any advice is greatly appreciated. I will keep you guys updated as we grow along ;)


Well-Known Member
I love the effort here, having the GPS is key, it makes life so much easier, and by having the ability to put plants in the middle of nowhere, it pays for itself without any question. It looks like you are on the right track, 20+ locations with 4-5 plants should work out well. How often are you planning on checking the plants? what type of soil environment are they going to be in? ie bush, corn fields, swamp, etc

Personally, i like to amend the soil with some higher nutrient soil and organic ferts when i start, then i dont bother checking on them until summer has fully 'taken over' and theres lots of green leaves/grasses to mask plants and gardeners alike (but thats just me).. i also go to my local outdoor shop and get some pest deterent for those first few weeks..

One thing to keep in mind, unless u plan on tending to these things frequently, there will be casualties.. i always lose about 10% but i only check on them a few times over the growing season (so i just plant a few extra clones to meet my goal)

hope this helps, good luck :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thank you, they will be growing in fairly thick forest, I live in Northern New England and we have hundreds and hundreds of acres of forested area that is untouched by man, so this is where most of the operation is going to take place I will be free to check on them 3-4 times a month, and my buddy will be free to check on them the same (at different times) so all together they will be checked on about once a week. I have a few different kinds of soil, I have some miracle grow, I have some fox farms and I have some self mix that the local garden shop suggested for my "tomatos" what kind of pest deterant am I looking at? and how can I keep the deer away from them? because up here that is a problem.


GPS perfect idea i have lost small plots of plants after not visiting them for a few weeks in the summer the whole area was overgrown when i got back and i searched but couldnt find my crop.


Active Member
Lol i have the same thing happening for me. I live in Northern New England, and a buddy and I are growing 60 feminized Big Bang seeds in the forrets around where I live. I have been having trouble thinking of what to do about deer and rabbits and mice, and the best thing I could find was a hard plastic fencing at Walmart. 3 ft tall and 50 ft long for 30 bucks. Now, it will take a lot to surround each field, but its sooo worth it to keep the plants safe. PM me sometime if you want to talk about New England growing lol.


i'm from new england also you say you plant in the forest do you have to clear out branches above to get light in or just find clearings. im gonna do a bigger outdoor grow this year.

usually i have about 7 plants in my backyard but last year a cop walked up to me looking for a guy we know.i was shitting so i walked around to the other side of him so at least he was looking away from my plants.


Well-Known Member
If you have a dog take him on walks around your spot, let him piss and doo all over. u can order ebar urine and spread it around but the bad part is sometimes it attracts other bears lol so be careful with that. also go to ur local home improvment/ garden shop and pick up plastic deer fencing, cant spot it from the air and its real ez 2 work with


Well-Known Member
what do you plan on doing about watering? hope you got a water source nearby for all your 20 plots or you got a low water table?


Well-Known Member
I think that mother nature will take care of them as far as watering honestly but there is a small river that runs no more than 200 yards from most of the plots if it comes down to it.

I will give the bear urine a try I guess, I can most likely get some at the local hunting supply store.


Well-Known Member
Aaahhh. The great outdoors. Take the kids out for a day in the park. Trip over a 6 foot fully bloomed white widow. That would be friggin' hot.


Well-Known Member
Noone will be walking through here, it is too heavily wooded for them to be cutting there as far as forestry, its just too hard of land for them to traverse, parents will be taking their kids to the nearby state park for a walk in the woods. It is a pretty prime location really, near a small river, enough light comes through the canopy, our grow season might be a little too short this year though with the late start we are going to be getting because of this snow.


Well-Known Member
I think that mother nature will take care of them as far as watering honestly but there is a small river that runs no more than 200 yards from most of the plots if it comes down to it.

I will give the bear urine a try I guess, I can most likely get some at the local hunting supply store.
when a dry spell hits don't count on mother nature, and 200 yards is quite a hike when your carrying 40+ pounds of water. times that by 20 and now you got a shitload of hiking. one things for sure, if you can pull it off, by the end of the season you'll be in really good shape!


Well-Known Member
No hunting takes place through the summer, only in mid fall, and the only game that would be in this area are deer moose and bear and all of those hunting seasons are mid/late fall.


Well-Known Member
when a dry spell hits don't count on mother nature, and 200 yards is quite a hike when your carrying 40+ pounds of water. times that by 20 and now you got a shitload of hiking. one things for sure, if you can pull it off, by the end of the season you'll be in really good shape!
The thing is, we never have more than a few days without at least a drizzle of rain, and there is a lot of moisture in the soil almost always around this area, its very fertile ground. I love the climate in this area for growing it is perfect.


Well-Known Member
I wish I could plant around the wooded areas where I live. It's just too urban. There have been some wild strains around in the past. Down by the train yards, that the cops didn't find. But those have been either dirt type, or ravaged by other locals. There's a lake in the vicinity, and our soil is always moist. The city has to come in and do area chopping throughout the spring and summer because of the over growth.:evil:



Active Member
Im from montana and ive had the same deer and small rodent problems. I grow around an irrigation ditch w/about 15-20 plants so nothing real big. Using hair/blood/urine from any predator seems to work fine. I also use a 3 foot high chicken wire fence w/ camo from surroundings. Another tactic ive used is fishing line around grow plots at 1.5 feet and 4.5 feet to keep out the deer. Hope ne of this helps.


Active Member
good luck with your grow man if u pull it off ul be in the $$$ big bang is a high yielder! u should look at the church strain aswell.. im planning a small outdoor grow myself this summer 10-15plants in woods.