First Midwest Guerilla Grow

When going to your garden take a pair of Binoculars, some bird or butterfly watching charts and the biggest is take two cards for your camera get some pics of birds and butterflys. Keep that card in the camera. If you take garden pics hide that card in your back pack.

such a great stealthy and overlooked idea!
New pics will be coming soon. Most of our plants were destroyed by a

really bad thunderstorm. But since we had been sprouting so many were

not in that bad of shape. We have about 25 plants above ground right

now with about half looking great. Some of the plants that aren't doing so

well are left over from the storm. Our new location gets direct sunlight the

whole day which is good. Thunderstorms having been hitting our area

every two days or so. But when it isn't raining the temperatures have

been in the mid 90's with lots of humidity so the soil is drying out and we

have been watering almost daily. Since the rain has done nothing but kill

our plants thus far we have been covering all the plants everytime it rains.

We have covered all of the bases when it comes to pests and the needs

of the plants so we are confident this grow will really start to take off.
Sorry about not posting for a while, ive been on a trip while my friend

managed everything perfectly. The plants are looking good. We saw that

some damage had been caused by bugs. Mostly white flies, leafhoppers,

and ants. One plant had its leaf chomped pretty bad.

If any advice can be given about anything please post!:mrgreen:

Photo 1: 21 plants above ground that look strong.

Photo 2: Our biggest plant that was dead before we used superthrive.

fuckin worked perfect.

Photo 3: Some strong looking plants. The bottom left one has some spots

on the bottom right fan leaf due to gay bugs.

Photo 4: Close up of a strong plant.

Photo 5: Beauty with a small spot but were not concerned.

Photo 6: Wavy leaves? not sure why they are doing that. sorry about it

not being in focus.

Photo 7: Another nice plant.

Photo 8: This is our setup right before a small storm came. We use the

ties from the chicken wire to tie the trash bags over the top with a stick

in the middle to make a tent effect.

Photo 9: That deer better not fuck around with those plants or ill cry.

Photo 10: The only severe bug damage that we had.

Photo 11: Neem Oil solution that we sprayed on the plants. While

spraying, tons of white flies flew off that werent even visible before we

sprayed it.

Photo 12: Group after being sprayed with the neem oil. Also set out some

ant traps for the few that we have around the site.



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haha yeah man anytime .. and thanks .. you look like your plants are doing well too keep on growing ... i'll keep watching this one
Werd nice lil update man! Looking good so far.

ps. Do you ever do things like tape up your shoes when you go out there so you won't leave footprints?
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we have used plastic bags before when its been really muddy but we normally just walk on the grass so footprints are not a huge deal as of now.
Wow it looks like you have really stepped it up a few notches. I can't wait to see how this goes for you looks like you're on the right track.
they are all varying ages because our first grow got destroyed by a storm they all are around 1-3 weeks old. the biggest plant is 3 weeks of age. thanks for posting.
today was a special day. our first transplant took place this morning. we

filled up a triple lined trash bag with 3 parts ffof and 1 part perlite. the

plant we chose to transplant was our oldest which is named big sally.

she's goin on 3 1/2 weeks from seed. we put 4 stakes in the ground with

chicken wire around it. first it was just standing up straight then we

decided to just fold the edges over to make sure no fucking deer would

get to it. we gave it some water with superthrive before transplanting so

it could reach its root system out wide and deep. im pretty sure with the

good amount of sunlight she is going to recieve at the creek that we will

see significant growth. here are some pics of today.

Photo 1: crop today. most looks good but we sadly have a large amount

of leaf hoppers all over so we will have to spray more neem sometime


Photo 2: Sally after getting her transplant. the rootball was pretty


Photo 3: After chicken wire is put around 4 sticks shoved in the mud.

Comments are welcome :hump:


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looks good man .. you should use a bag of ocean forest for each one of your plants! .. wouldnt cost THAT much .. did you put holes in the bottom of the bag?
First transplant went very smooth. The plant has grown quite a bit over the past two days. We plan on buying nutes/food in the next few days some of the plants are looking hungry. New pictures will be sometime next week.
First transplant went very smooth. The plant has grown quite a bit over the past two days. We plan on buying nutes/food in the next few days some of the plants are looking hungry. New pictures will be sometime next week.
glad the transplant went well .. what nutes u thinking about buying? and also looking forward to the pics
at $25 per bag I think U might be wasting the FF ocean forest soil.

I use a 3 part soil mixture (FF ocean forest, Miracle Gro potting mix, and scotts perlite)

Ocean forest is the primary ingredient, it has the major nutes AND the micronutes needed.
the miracle gro is added so I dont have to keep checking on the plants and constantly feeding them
and I add perlite for aeration purposes...

for nutrients make sure U pick one up with the micro nutrients in it or U may have problems in flowering. . (remember: cannabis is a very strong plant and doesnt need much nutrients to stay healthy. simply watering them every few days, and feeding them NPK nutes once per week, and CaMG every other week is quite enough)

Natures Nectar is a good brand, it automatically adjusts pH so U never have to check it. and Flora Nova is good as well.

I never tried FF Grow Big or Tiger Bloom but I know for a fact they are top of the line as well.

good luck
thanks for all of the advice man i really appreciate it. im pretty sure we will be using foxfarm grow big nutes. the soil works so well im banking on the nutes giving us the same result.
I'm looking forward to the pictures. In the future you should probably try to avoid using a white trash bag. It might not be a bad idea to cover it up with some sticks and brush.