First one done o'natural....Not this time!!! Now I 'm going for Gold!!! 2nd grow.....


Weed Modifier
Lol perfect explanation! Thank you! How's it going lime btw I told ya I'd get you pics of the ladies :D
thanks...everything is going good.
I saw the male and the lst looks good that is basically what you would do. I will have to look at your thread, you only showed me your balls! hahah lmao
Not quite what I had in mind....?


New Member
i got so fucked up i passed out while getting some lip service
then woke up on the floor with just a shirt on


Weed Modifier
And btw lime what did you have in mind lol
Well I was on to something and fab distracted me so.....about Your little one, I thought you where going to let her be? or are you still in debate?

P.s fab... she is into torture and shit man, don't think you will be able to keep up! Unless you are into that sort of thing....if you bud is not up to par she will beat it....until it is! pun intended!


Well-Known Member
lol thats funny lime you have it right but backwards in that aspect i like the torture ;) as far as the little one ive decided i think she shall be left alone or now


Weed Modifier
lol thats funny lime you have it right but backwards in that aspect i like the torture ;) as far as the little one ive decided i think she shall be left alone or now
Wow, didn't expect that one...:-o

You got me on that one! haha

Cool.....I like to see how they grow naturally too! Then when you do mess with them you can SEE the difference for yourself, then you can tell if was worth the effort... for better:weed:/ or worse!:wall:


Well-Known Member
well i want to leave it be as it is doing better than the rest see what comes of it and i have a cool idea for the big one i broke im going to run it along the wall of the grow box and just kina play with it did i say i love to mess with things? and yeah im quite the smart ass what can i say


New Member
all i will say to that is some times pain is pleasurable

Well I was on to something and fab distracted me so.....about Your little one, I thought you where going to let her be? or are you still in debate?

P.s fab... she is into torture and shit man, don't think you will be able to keep up! Unless you are into that sort of thing....if you bud is not up to par she will beat it....until it is! pun intended!


Weed Modifier
well i want to leave it be as it is doing better than the rest see what comes of it and i have a cool idea for the big one i broke im going to run it along the wall of the grow box and just kina play with it did i say i love to mess with things? and yeah im quite the smart ass what can i say
You are just like me in that aspect....some have called me a Catalyst! lmao I love to manipulate my plants.

I let my first one go naturally and it would have been nice for outdoors, or I should have had a bigger light....but I am learning to: try and use the least to get the most...? So when I get a bigger light I should get bigger buds. But then again I like Quality over Quantity, Anyday.....!!! That is why I need to train my girls.
If I had a 400 or 600 I don't think I would need to train em...but then again it is hard to let them go sometimes.

You are a Wild One rene....I love it, you have a great personality and an awesome sense of humor. Hard to find girls like you these days....maybe I need to get out


Well-Known Member
bigger isnt always better i had shitty lights for a long tme and did well now still not the best setup but one those girls of mine is 6" around! crazy you have to pamper them i sit with them alot talk to them and sit and smoke in there people argue the smoke is bad for them but they dont seem to mind it...and thanks for the compliments but dont let me fool you i am like my step dad super strict on all around me most cant handle it lol