First "real" grow...DoinIt2Gether and doin it right (hopefully)


Active Member
Hey guys, welcome back lol. Thanks, the frosty is what gets me too. I love the way she is chunking up. Its so funny to see a fucking 3 1/2 inch plant grow nugs like that LOL. Hope and Faith are growing again too. Hope is at 8 inches and Faith is at 6 1/2. (I don't think I mentioned that yet) so I'm pretty happy about that. I'll b back in a bit with more bud porn...stay tuned!


Active Member
PHTO0007.jpgPHTO0003-1.jpgPHTO0006-1.jpgPHTO0004-1.jpgWell, I checked the flower room and Kali has just exploded with hairs. The little clusters are all over, and getting very bushy. Lucky is 22" tall.

I went out and took pics of the autos...Hope and Faith are both 40 days old, Destiny is 56. Gosh I'm gettin anxious! Faith is the first pic, the second and fourth are Destiny, and the third one is Hope.


Active Member
She's even nicer today...The hairs are turning at a freakin amazing rate of speed. I guess not it is remotely possible she will be done on day 60, she's movin that fast! She makes me throb too...:D


Active Member
I really think its a matter of days for Destiny now, she is sooo beautiful. I will post another pic of her tomorrow.

My real reason for posting: We went and looked at a house tonight and we will be moving by the first of August. We are not buying this time, but its HUGE and totally remodeled. Now my grow room will be in the house and the temps won't be a problem at all! I'm sooooo geeked!


Active Member
OMG take a look at Destiny, it's killing me to wait...Sorry about the quality of the pics, I don't know why suddenly they are not turning out as well. I'm using the same camera and macro setting so idk wth. Hope is still 8 inches, but faith has grown to just over seven. They are both filling in nicely. I'll be able to post pics of them tomorrow. Destiny is at 59 days today, so I guess she won't be as far off as I thought. Only about an extra week or so I'm figuring. I plucked a seed pod from the bottom a couple of days ago, but the seed wasn't quite done. I don't have a magnifying glass for trichs, so I'm just gonna wait till all the hairs start to pull back into the calyxs. The other girls are 43 days old I think, so I guess about 3 weeks and those beauties will be done too!

The super skunk I put into flower 4 days ago has grown 3 inches in the last 4 days :hump:. I thought she would go fast cuz sativas are supposed to triple in height during flowering, but damn, thats almost fast enough to watch it grow lol.


Active Member
Hello again, I figured it was time for an update before I run off to work today. The first pic is of Hope and Faith, I have it labeled. The second one is Lucky and the third is Kali. Lucky has been flowering for one month now and Kali for 3 weeks. The skunk, which I didn't take a pic of is now a whopping 18 inches tall. The fourth pic is my newest little sprout, just another middie but looking nice for 2 1/2 weeks. The fifth one is a close up of the growth on Hope, she is looking like she will end up pretty chunky also. And last but certainly not least is my little princess Destiny. I want to get more of a sativa buzz than a couchlock, so is she ready to go yet...anyone? She's two days overdue, but I could give her a few more, I just DONT WANNA! LOL, I'm sure ya'll feel my pain.:joint:



Well-Known Member
I'd say she still has another week to go, so she can fill out even more. Do you have a microscope so you can check the trichomes?

Silent Running

Active Member
I'd go with the week like Bill says. She has a lot of hairs that don't look like they are retreating back into/against the bud yet. Are you flushing her?


Active Member
Hey Bill, thanks for stoppin in. I was figurin at least another 4 or 5 days, so yeah, I know I have to wait, I just dont wanna LOL. She looked like she was about done 3 or so days ago, but then she sprouted some new hairs soooo.....guess I'm waitin for those now. I don't have a magnifying glass (well I do, but it sucks).
Yeah, I'm flushing...the last dose of nutes she got was almost 2 weeks ago cuz I figured she's be done by now. Stupid me, listening to the breeders note LOL!


Well-Known Member
Hey Bill, thanks for stoppin in. I was figurin at least another 4 or 5 days, so yeah, I know I have to wait, I just dont wanna LOL. She looked like she was about done 3 or so days ago, but then she sprouted some new hairs soooo.....guess I'm waitin for those now. I don't have a magnifying glass (well I do, but it sucks).
Yeah, I'm flushing...the last dose of nutes she got was almost 2 weeks ago cuz I figured she's be done by now. Stupid me, listening to the breeders note LOL!
From what I have heard, those times from the breeders can be wayyy off. Also, she will tell you when she is ready. I would say to take a small nug off to sample, but she is a little on the smaller side, so maybe you just want to wait. Also, you can still use molasses with her water, and it should help fatten her nugs up, and won't negatively affect the taste of the herb.


Active Member
Hey silent, sorry I meant to say Hi to u earlier and apparently I forgot lol.

bill, ur probly right about just leaving her be for awhile...With the molasses I mix 1 tsp into a little bit of hot water to dissolve it and then mix it with a gallon of cold, correct?


Well-Known Member
why would I want to buy an empty bottle of molasses??

how are those seeds coming along?? I have great plans for D2G's AF's seeds.


BTW, they are looking awesome!!!!!