First SCROG out of control


Active Member
Alaskan Thunderfuck from clone
4 plants total (2 per screen/tub, 1sf/plant)
400W HPS @12/12
Hydro (bubbler)
Technaflora "Recipe for Success" nutes @ 100%
supplemental CO2 (via yeast/sugar generator)
12 days into flower (6 weeks from cutting)

This is my first Screen of Green grow, and the girls seem to have gotten slightly out of hand. The canopy height is still increasing, despite numerous training sessions, and I am concerned I'm not going to have enough space for colas.

Hoping some of you old crusty growers can lend some advice. I realize its a bit overgrown, but is it going to be a problem? There is roughly 18" between the screen and the cooltube, but the bud sites are 5-6" above the screen at the moment. Shouldn't the canopy height stabilize now that they are putting on pistils?

Thanks in advance - any help is appreciated.


Active Member
Have to change out the nutes today anyway and they have grown over 2" since this was posted. Due to space limitations I'll need to train them down again and just stay on it.

Sorry for posting to the wrong forum, seemed like the right spot at the time, newbie.... will do better next time. I'd move it or delete it but I don't know how.