First Serious Grow!


Active Member
I'd spray some serenade and liquid copper fungicide on plants afflicted with mold. Based on the formation of the plants I will guess you did not fertilize much during the vegging phase, and I would advise you to now use a bloom fert.I would use a little bit of nitrogen, but primarily you should focus on getting phosphorus and judging by the purple I see on some parts of the plant, potassium in there as well. An organic fert with NPK of 1-5-4 or thereabouts would be ideal.


Active Member
Thanks, yeah I always felt like we should've used a bit of fert, but since the plot is right near a marsh-like area, we kinda assumed that there was already enough nutrient in the soil..This dirt is actually amazing--have never had to water even in 105 degree heat. could be all the humic acid that is probably in it.. But yeah we are definately starting bloom nutes and molasses next week. Will the copper and serenade take care of that black shite??


Active Member
bump...are these plants screwed? They are pretty stalky and not very bushy, so does it look like I will get much from them if all 10 make it?

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
nah i wouldnt expect much. but if you have a good amount of females you could get a couple weeks worth of free smoke. but if you plan on using the spot in the future at least its started.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
oh and think about improving your drainage somehow, raised beds or filling the bottom of holes w/rocks. i think thats why your leaves are curling in the pictures.


Active Member
Yeah, i have been worried about how moist the soil is there too...Is there any way to give them better drainage without digging into the roots??