First successful clone


Well-Known Member
First and foremost I want to throw out a big thank you to all the stoners that help make this forum work.
I was known as the dude who could kill crabgrass when trying to grow it.:wall:
Thanks in no small part to all of you I had a successful first grow:weed: and now on my second I finally got a clone (of Judy who is flowering nicely) to take:leaf:. She is in a 6" pot and the future is looking good.:clap:
With your help I now have a vegging / clone area and a flower area.:eyesmoke:

My plan is to keep my clone (now my mother) going while I take a clone from her every two weeks and rotating into the flower cabinet as we go.:mrgreen:

I may yet pull off a perpetual grow. And as Freewheeling Franklin Freak used to say,
"Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope..:sad:."

And now to the big question!!!

Since I want to keep mom alive but not have her outgrow her living quarters, how do I pull that off? Do I use medium light and minimum nutes to keep her in slow growth? I plan on LST. Any advice is appreciated.

And as always



Well-Known Member
Good job man! I remember the feeling of pride and empowerment when I cloned my first little lady successfully! I know you may not wanna, but if you need your mother to stay small you can always keep clipping it back. Like pruning a hedge. While staying small, it will make many branches to be clones later. You could always try an root all of em, some will fail, some will live, and the best of those you flower. I dunno. I do lst and supercropping on all mine, got one that
Is an H shape with ALOT of side branching that's around 24 inches across, but only 6 inches tall. (groundcover). Hope this helps some...


Well-Known Member
Yes I plan on making a bonsai mother.
Been doing some research and I think it's doable by me.
We shall see.

