First-time buyer BC Northernlights Producer and Mothership


I Just registered. I have for the last 4 years been growing outdoors, but i am a greedy person and i want more money, lol. I have decided to move into hydroponics. I have done some reading up on this type of growing and got the basics of it down. Now i needed something to grow in, not to much smell, ease of use and pretty much straight forward. My 3 main concerns right there. I was reading Cannabis Culture, and saw the BCNorthernlights grow systems. So i went on the site and checked it out etc. etc. etc. I also emailed them asking for prices, but its been 5 days and no reply. Basically what im trying to get at is all laid out in this list of questions below (yes it is a little long, but i have to be sure on my decision). For anybody that has purchased from BCNorthernLights be great if you could include your thoughts, tips, and anything you might want to add. thanks.

1. What am i looking at price-wise, for a producer and a mothership.

2. How was the shipping process? Anybody live in Ontario, Canada that has ordered from them before?

3. The mothership holds only four mother plants, but i heard and read that it counts as a vegger to? so i could clone and veg 18-20 cuttings and still hold my mothers, and use my producer as just a flowering box.

4. How is the yield amount per one producer?

5. Is the system easy to use?

6.If you are using just the producer for all stages, is it equipped for this?

7. Can you start off from seed in the producer?

8. What is included with the producer and the mothership.

9. Last but not least, any extras should buy for the producer or mothership (certain lights or parts that improve the grow).

Sorry bout the length of the post, and thanks for your answers and tips.


Well-Known Member
Weird that you say they never got back. I would give them a call. I sent them a e-mail and they got back the same day. I talked to them and they sent me a price list...but yea give them a call....pretty cool folks...


Active Member
1: Buying that combination, having it shipped + taxes... you're looking at just under 10 grand.
2: Can't comment.
3: The only way you can use your mothership as a veg station, is if you don't have 4 mothers, and just take that space for cuttings. This works by using the square area for cuttings, and sliding 2 smaller mother plants in front of that box, and closing the doors. In other words, not really, no.
4. Yield is extremely subject to strain. A kush, expect 7-12oz... true kush, that is. Chunk and no big colas. If you have a fatter yielding, lower quality strain, you could hit anywhere from 1-2lbs, probably just over 1 with something like NL or another heavy yielder. 2 pounds of good bud is close to impossible in this machine, just not enough room, and the design is poor in my opinion.
5. It's certainly easy to use, yes. It's about 5 minutes of maintenance a day, plus a 30-45 minute res change every week. However, you *will* get plant/root problems, and if you aren't equiped to deal with them, you'll be in trouble. Don't even think about running 4 airstones, you need to add another pump and get a total of 8. You'll also need an air conditioner in the room, or your roots/plants will suffer (box runs 90+ without one).
6. You can put rooted clones directly into this machine. if you choose to do this, however, you will lose about 2-3 weeks getting the roots to hit water, and then the plants to veg to a proper height (6-12 inches depending on strain). The best way to circumvent this is to have a seperate veg station in your closet or something, that a set of 18 rooted clones can grow out of the 3 inch rockwool. This will save you 2 weeks every harvest. Then you veg for 1 week until plants hit the water and flip.
7. Yes but I wouldn't recommend it. You'll get phenos that aren't the same height, eat at different rates, possible males, etc. It's just a bad idea in my opinion.
8. Producer standard I believe comes with a basic nute lineup, and all replacement parts for a year. If you get the royale with cheese you get a trimmer, drier, more nutes, etc. The nute upgrades are almost completely useless, but the drier was helpful for me. Up to you.
9.You won't have any options to improve the lightning in the bcnl without changing ballasts, and theres certainly no room in the cabinet for more lighting. The T-5s are an option at the bottom, but they are useless and won't support bud growth on their own (trust me). Grow your plants, 3 weeks into flower buck off everything on the bottom of the plant except the main cola and 3-4 branches. Follow those till the end and youll get a nice clean yield with no larf. If you don't trim your plants, youll have a pile twice the size of your bud pile full of shit ready for the bubble bags.

Good luck. I wouldn't recommend buying BCNL. Build your own setup, and start slow. If you're looking to make money, BCNL is NOT the way to go. You'll be lucky to get your investment back in 2011, depending on what #'s are going for in your neighbourhood (in mine, 2-2.5 for AAA kush). Feel free to PM me, and ill guide you through building your own indoor setup thatll yield more and cost you a fraction of what ud pay at BCNL.