First time Green House WW closet grow - Low budget setup!


Well-Known Member
Ladies are looking good...I am going out to purchase a brand new camera today and will post pics later.


Well-Known Member
Day 12: A bit more growth...they loved the water I gave em yesterday!

I purchased a digital thermometer...I recommend one to EVERYONE. You just point it and get the temp...VERY accurate!

I am going to post pics of the thermo I got as well as the pics. Wish I had more comments. :cry:

But anyways, everything seems to be going great. I wish the two runts would catch up to their big sisters lol. What do yall think about the condition and color of the plants so far?



Well-Known Member
Week 2: Temps are always hovering in the 76 - 79 degrees on the canopy, 79 - 81 in the room with 45% humidity thanks to the cool mist humidifier. I am anxiously waiting the classic looking cannabis leaves to show up any time now. The runts are trying to catch up.

I am going to hold off on nutes until Week 2 Day 5 or so...going to use 1/4 strength FF Big Grow 6-4-4...what do you guys think?

Anyways, here are some pics! It's amazing that I have have taken pics everyday...and looking at the progress makes me smile!

BTW, I water with 6.2 pH water(approx, I am getting my electronic dip tester before next watering).

I want some comments damn it! lol :weed:



Well-Known Member
Day 15: Temps are the same as yesterday, as well as humidity level. The biggest plant I have started getting some faint yellowish dots in between the vein, and I checked today and they seem to be the same. I went ahead and gave her 6-4-4 nute 1/2 strength, and hopefull I should see some rebound in the next few days, but other then that she looks healthy and I am glad that I caught it before it got bad.

You can see the yellow in the first two pictures...they are faint. You guys think I did the right thing? I am following the bible pretty close.



Well-Known Member
Day 16: Temps got a bit high yesterday...around 83 and humidity stayed the same.

I am only going to post a couple of pictures now since many people do not seem interested in the grow.



Well-Known Member
Day 18: They are doing very well! Temps in the 77 rage, humidity around 45%

One of them has some yellow spots coming on but they are not slowing down the growth...I'll see how she does in the next few days.



Well-Known Member
Day 19: I purchased some distilled water because I found out that my tap water has TONS of calcium in it.

Temps 89, humidity: 31%.

Check out these pics:

What do you guys think? Its amazing how much they have grown by looking at older pics.

Comments guys!!

poke smot every day

Active Member
It seems like all the plants are stretching, that's what I had a problem with, you could use a straw, I would recomend lowering the light some, or get floresent light to begin with, and use the lamp you got to flower the plants


Well-Known Member
you really think so? I was waiting till a few more days till I lower the light to around 8-10 inches from the top. I don't need a straw because the stems are thick like a straw. Are you sure you are looking at my latest pics? lol

poke smot every day

Active Member
The plants are looking really good, I only saw the first pics, didn't notice you were so far ahead, there looking real healthy loocks to me like you doing a greate job, hope it keeps going well, when are you going to start flowering them, that's the problem I'm having not sure when to flower the plants


Well-Known Member
The plants are looking really good, I only saw the first pics, didn't notice you were so far ahead, there looking real healthy loocks to me like you doing a greate job, hope it keeps going well, when are you going to start flowering them, that's the problem I'm having not sure when to flower the plants

Thanks for the comment :D

I am not sure either lol...I have two smaller plants in there that sprouted late, so I am going to wait about 3 - 4 more weeks for a total of about 6 - 7 weeks of veg before I start flowering. My plan is to have them fully harvested and cured by 4/20 :D

Do you have pics of your grow?


Well-Known Member
Week 3: Temps 77, humidity 33%

More growth as usual, here are the pics of the beautiful ladies.

What do you guys think? I am thinking for vegging for about 2 more weeks. The tallest plant is already at 9 inches.


Well-Known Member
Day 22: Same temps/humidity as yesterday. I flushed out one of the girls and gave her some Mg because of the def.

Here are A LOT of pic...I love to show them off to you guys ;)

Here you can see the Mg Def in the leaves!
