First time grow, 3rd week flower.

I know it's not the best looking but I had a cat problem among other things at first..
Id just really like to have some input if you guys think it looks alright and healthy??



Active Member
She looks healthy but I would highly advise you come up with a quick plan on how your going to keep her upright because it appears she is going to stretch more "Sativa" and when she does the weight of the top cola is going to knock her over just do something before this happens and it could possibly snap your main stem. Other than that happy growing, she looks good, and good luck!!
She looks healthy but I would highly advise you come up with a quick plan on how your going to keep her upright because it appears she is going to stretch more "Sativa" and when she does the weight of the top cola is going to knock her over just do something before this happens and it could possibly snap your main stem. Other than that happy growing, she looks good, and good luck!!
If you had to choose what would you say this plant is?? Blue cheese or critical haze?
Cuz those are the strains I had going and I mixed them up=/ also what would be best to support her..
A bamboo stick with some ties or what??


Well-Known Member
If you had to choose what would you say this plant is?? Blue cheese or critical haze?
Cuz those are the strains I had going and I mixed them up=/ also what would be best to support her..
A bamboo stick with some ties or what??
The sativa traits look more like haze to me. But mostly the stretch is caused from lack of light. What type of light are you using?
Besides that she looks healthy, the cat won't hurt anything they always love to chew on the lower leaves.


Active Member
Looking nice an healthy. Stretchy sativa. Depending on the light you are using it may need to move closer or get more light.
I don't think it's the light honestly.. It just recently started to stretch after I put her in flower. I'm using 2 two tube T8s with soft white tubes and a smaller grow light. They're all within 2 to 3 inches of the length of the plant at all time. I learned quite a bit from this grow so I deff know what I can do better nextgrow. Thanks everyone for the input:weed:


Active Member
on your next run i would top those plants.
Amen to that... I know some people are against topping for their reasons. But in my (limited) experience topped plants in these tighter indoor setups are ideal.

I had topped a few of mine, and left a few others just to see the difference. The difference is night n day. Topped plants are all short and bushy with 5 - 7 equal height tops, the non topped are still 1 main with a couple branches starting to come out...

Specially running the T5 it would better suit you to top & LST to keep them low n tight...
These are under 12" total height now at about 6 weeks old... I circled the topped & untopped, you can clearly see the difference. The untopped turned out to be male anyway...



Well-Known Member
In my (also limited) experience I would agree topping/LST is the way to go. Why have the plant waste energy carrying its food up a long stretched out stalk? and the best part is if you keep conditions good and have a powerful enough light you can get plants that have many large buds :weed:

IMG_20120702_093130.jpgEach of those buds is about 8-10 inches long and it eliminates a lot of the little shit that you will get on the sides of an untopped plant.
IMG_20120615_105246.jpgThis one I "FIM"d which works really well if you tie down each of the four main stems that it will create. it makes a sea of buds
MMS_PICTURE_1340466581054.jpgthis one was not grown outdoors i just took it out for a picture comparison to a larger house plant. but I topped that one at 3 weeks vegging, did some LSTing and allowed to grow for a few more weeks. the yields canbe great!


Active Member
They seem to look nice. Im a new grower also. I would top them next time and also trim the bottom 1/3 too. Only in Veg tho. Thats just some advice. Im not sure what you can do now, maybe everyone else would be able to help you. Have a good grow though