First Time Grow 4 x 1000w Soil


So its been a little while so thought we would post an update.

We are about a week into flowering now. Here are some pics of our flowers.


Looking good so far. Hoping to see a lot more growth!

We looked at our TrainWreck seedlings and found that we have 3 males for sure. There are 2 more that we aren't 100% yet. Gonna check when the lights come on today and get rid of all the males.


So update again. We found out that 5 out of the 9 TrainWrecks we have are male. Kinda sucks but those were just a bunch of seedlings to mess around with anyways.


So we have noticed some spotting that we are getting kinda worried about. Anything that you guys could tell us about this would be helpful. Here some pics.


This spotting is only on our Blue Dream. We don't want it to spread to the rest if it is something that can move. Any help would be great! Thanks in advance.


Hmmm.... We sprayed with neem oil right before flowering. Also we looked through a microscope and they aren't spider mites. I've seen spider mights a bunch of times as well.


Well-Known Member
my first thought was mites also. i know its only on the bd but is it on the old AND the new growth? from the pics i can see it on the old leaves but i cant see the newer ones very well.


They are mites. We took a look with a microscope. Since we are early in flowering we will be hitting it with neem oil tomorrow. Any other suggestions would be great!

marsellus wallace

Well-Known Member
GET PREDATORS .. i just released 3,000 ladybugs into my room and boy can i tell you that ladybugs sure fix your problems!!

look up green lacewings, and pirate bugs...

Ego Fum Papa

Active Member
check out sns 217 for mites. the active ingredient is rosemary oil
Yes, I just treated my plants with sns217 a few days ago and it stopped the mites. Good thing is you CAN use it up to the day of harvest, although it will make your buds taste like rosemary. If you use SNS217 make sure you get a shitload and totally soak the leaves, especially the bottom.


Well we have some neem oil that we have drenched the plants with a couple times now. We also picked up a Dr Doom plant safe fogger that we are gonna let off just to make sure the neem oil did its job. So far all the mites are dead. Just want to make sure the little guys don't come back at all so we will keep hitting it with the neem oil for another week to two.


Well it's been a while since we have posted on here but we have been hard at work! I don't even know where to start!

I guess I will start with saying that we got our mite problem under control.
We ended up hitting them with neem oil a few more times along with 1 more plant safe fogger. We noticed that killed the most of them but not all of them. We ended up picking up some Azamax by General Hydroponics and it seems to be working very well. We did a foiler spray on our flowering and vegging plants and then hit our vegging plants 1 more time after that. We will keep the vegging plants on a regular schedule with the azamax as a preemptive thing.

Next I guess I will talk about all the construction and moving around we did.
So we started by making our veg room a lot bigger. It is now 8x12 and completely framed up. We took one 1000w and the 600w we had sitting around and threw them up in the veg room. We now have 31 plants in Veg. We then took 3 of our 1000w lights and lined them up against the wall with a 5x5 cover area. We have 12 plants under 1 of them and 9 plants under the other 2. The way they are set up now gives them much more cross light! Last for the construction(that I can think of right now) is the Cloning bay we setup which I think the pic at the below explains it all.

So we are 43 days into flowering and man do they look great! We have about 40% orange hairs on most of our strains and the trichomes are looking semi amber on about half of them. It seems very early but it is showing all signs of being very close to ready! We are thinking we might start our flush this sunday. We will make sure we get a second opinion before we start so please leave a reply!

I gotta get off now but we will update the rest tomorrow or later tonight. Let us know what you think!


i see that your not venting your lights anymore how are you dealing with heat?
Well where we live our room doesnt get above 75 degrees. Its a pretty cold climate here. We actually stopped venting them because our room got to cold and they help a lot with heat.

Will post up some more pics later tonight when lights come back on.


Hey have a few here could use some opinoins on.

They are all day 50 of flower and we were going to start our flush tonight unless you guys change our minds lol.

The first is Grand Daddy Purple
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Blue Dream
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Strawberry Cough
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Let me know what you guys think!
