first time grow bagseed dorm fridge PICS

This is my first attempt at a grow inside of a dorm fridge. I'm using bagseed for this my trial run. I have two 60 watt energy saving flourescent lights,( after doing more research I need to get some other bulbs as these are the day time kind). I have a big computer fan for intake, two small ones for exhaust and a desk top fan hanging on the door. I planted 5 germinated seeds on the 11th. 3 an a half have sprouted up, I say half cuz one the seeds broke soil but has not been able to break the seed shell off. Should I try to take it off or no?

This is my first official grow so any advice an comments are greatly appreciated.

Oh ya I totally plan on more light, I'm thinkin about a couple fluorescent tubes to run along the sides an some more cfls to hang down. As I'm gonna lst as soon as I know the sex .


Active Member
the seed shell should come off in a few days by its can gently try and take it off...but nature will take its course.....I have a cfl grow in the works check out my journal i have some pics....were using 9 27 w 6500k cfl's for veg....Those are the bes IMHO. good look with the grow im going to follow it. plants looks healthy. Can you give some more info..what soil,nutes? good luck!!!
the seed shell should come off in a few days by its can gently try and take it off...but nature will take its course.....I have a cfl grow in the works check out my journal i have some pics....were using 9 27 w 6500k cfl's for veg....Those are the bes IMHO. good look with the grow im going to follow it. plants looks healthy. Can you give some more info..what soil,nutes? good luck!!!
Well I'm using miracle grow with the 3 month release they seem to like it. I got the plants on a 18/6 cycle right now. As far as what nutes I'm gonna use Idk, I heard strawberry fert is pretty good to use for flowering. I'm not sure tho, any input for the new budget grower
Not a whole lot to show. 3 out of the 5 sprouted up. I'm going to get some more lights in there real soon. I already have a couple fluorescent tubes to put in there an I'm deciding between a metal halide or a lps. Which will work best?



Hey, like the setup, basic but its somthin i hope to aim for soon, cant be bothered payin out the ass for who knows what. What soil u usin? u in the uk or us?