First Time Grow, Ireland


Active Member
If its a good summer in ireland, do you think it would be possible for me 2 grow outdoors or is this a no no??

starting my own indoor grow shortly but would also like to fire some seeds outside 2.

many thanks for any replys in advance, complete beginner so all advice is welcome.


Active Member
Hey I am Irish aswell and I am gonna grow outside. I have bought some outdoor seeds that were suited to the northern european climate. I am going to grow them in a greenhouse. I think we will have a good summer.
It was like 15 degrees celcius in mayo yesterday so we should have a constant 20 degrees in summer.


Active Member
mate it mite not be worth it does anyone no where i could get some seeds in ireland besides on the internet

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
If its a good summer in ireland, do you think it would be possible for me 2 grow outdoors or is this a no no??

starting my own indoor grow shortly but would also like to fire some seeds outside 2.

many thanks for any replys in advance, complete beginner so all advice is welcome.

Theres no problem growing over here mate, i know the weather is a bit shit at times but they do fairly well. I have a few differnt strains vedging at the moment, durban poison, super skunk and power flower.

Just bang them in some holes when there nice and hardy and let nature do its course!

And dont let the scaldy rain put ya off, we normaly have a nice late aug-sep.

So get it together man! And get growing!

Keep Ireland green!:weed:



Well-Known Member
I heard Durban Poison grows well here. Problems is where. On weekends people wander through all Eire and will likely take or break it.

I wonder though if I had an HPS in the shed - meaning enough light but outside temperatures during dark period - could I grow some more powerful strains?

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
I heard Durban Poison grows well here. Problems is where. On weekends people wander through all Eire and will likely take or break it.

I wonder though if I had an HPS in the shed - meaning enough light but outside temperatures during dark period - could I grow some more powerful strains?

Thats what im worring about this year, some straggler stumbling across one of my grows! Fingers crossed!

Im shure you could grow some bangin strains in the shed man, during the summer the night-time temp stays relativity high. but ya cant beat the ould sun wind and soil!


Well-Known Member
Well, give me some pointers! How do identify the right spot? Should I climb a mountain, swim a river or climb into my neighbors garden?

Also I've been told that 8C would be too cold for some potent strains like LSD. Vegging won't be a problem cause of the heat from the lamp. But the dark period worries me.

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
Well, give me some pointers! How do identify the right spot? Should I climb a mountain, swim a river or climb into my neighbors garden?

Also I've been told that 8C would be too cold for some potent strains like LSD. Vegging won't be a problem cause of the heat from the lamp. But the dark period worries me.

Find a nice clearing in some scrub land/forest, dig some foot by foot holes and fill with you favourite compost, plant and wait. I myself dont bother with ferts and shit over here most of the land is of high quality. I doubt a water source would be need as its rare if it doesnt rain at least once a week.

Anyway, hope these pointers help mate, its also nice to see a few fellow paddys growing there own shit instead of filling the pockets of the hash selling goon-faces.


Well-Known Member
nice to see a few fellow paddys growing there own shit instead of filling the pockets of the hash selling goon-faces.

However, the question is not how to find a sunny spot with fertile soil, but rather how to find a secluded enough one. Never mind the goon-faces, I ain't growing for the country yet.

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member

However, the question is not how to find a sunny spot with fertile soil, but rather how to find a secluded enough one. Never mind the goon-faces, I ain't growing for the country yet.
Lol, your just goin to have to get the wellies boots on and go rambling for the day man.


Well-Known Member
It is possible, I planted a bit earlier than most would (early march) when most would plant late april to early may.
They seem to be doing fine. Try to find a clearing in a forest - Google Earth is your friend =]


Active Member
thanks for all the responses lads & ladies, very helpful, got 2 seeds germinating at the min and will veg them for a month or so then got a great spot well out of the way bt also close enuf 2 my house for weekly checks. google maps has helped me greatly finding a spot!!!


Well-Known Member
What sort of yielda have you guys got growing outside in ireland in the past. Can you recommend a strain??? I've heard swiss miss is great for outdoors here. I wouldn't mind trying a purple strain outdoor this year. I've got the perfect spot too.

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
What sort of yielda have you guys got growing outside in ireland in the past. Can you recommend a strain??? I've heard swiss miss is great for outdoors here. I wouldn't mind trying a purple strain outdoor this year. I've got the perfect spot too.

I was going to grow some purps myself this year, couldnt get my hands on any seeds tho.

Yea swiss miss would be grand, also have a look at the hollands hope and A.M.S.


Well-Known Member
Will do. You guys reckon its possible to plant some babies in some very good soil with guano, castings, kelp etc etc and not have to worry about watering too much. These will be close to a small stream so I'd imagine rain water running into the stream will help.

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
Will do. You guys reckon its possible to plant some babies in some very good soil with guano, castings, kelp etc etc and not have to worry about watering too much. These will be close to a small stream so I'd imagine rain water running into the stream will help.

You will never no unless you go! lol.

Yea man, everything should be sweet. Thats what im doing - the ferts, ill lash some of that shit on at a later stage.