First Time Grow Journal from: Seed to Harvest - seeds from Attitude Seed Bank


Well-Known Member
DAY 19 Update: Noticed a lot of new growth this morning, the roots are out of the 5net pots! Drinking up some good nutrients...I checked the roots and all of them are white! The WW showed some signs of spotting of some sort on a few leaves? I am not overly worried as the new growth doesn't have any of the symptoms....just mother nature I'm sure. See attached pics.

More to follow later today!:lol:



Active Member
Ya, I'm excited about your grow! Is this your first one? I have one going right now too, it'd be nice to compare harvests when all is said and done


Well-Known Member
Yeah this is my first I am learning soooo much from this site.....lovin it!

Growth is RoCkiN! I find it so hard to leave the fuckin tent everyday I check on It's like your first REAL g/f in grade school....hahaha. feels like the first feels like the very first time! haha..;-)

So enough ramblin....I checked the ppm...kinda high for the second week...I had it dialed in at like 600ish and it peaked up a little to 780ish....but the plants are not showing any signs of stress fuck it......rock on.....gonna do a rez change out on Monday anywho so rock and roll until then. Roots are all PURDY white! and shit loads of them coming out! lovin it!

The Tangerine Dream is rockin hard! It has started to really blossom and a very distinct smell of a fuckin orange when I get down and smell her....unbelievable! glad I got 2 more germed already and they are lookin good, got them in my top grow cabinet along with some WW, Moby Dick, and LSD.

The Tangerine Dream is pic's #: wp_000660, 661, & 662

The White Widow is pic's #: wp_000663, 665, 666 & 667

The LSD is pic #: wp_000659

The other's you can tell by the sticks inside the locker, the Solo cups in the top portion are labeled directly on the cup...but I didn't have time to go one by one.....but you get the

Enjoy the pics!:mrgreen: Will have some updates of the flowering room later this evening! Gonna put my 8" votex duct fan in with a variable speed controller! whoop whoop!! waiting on my CO2 regulator.....should be here sometime today......and gettin a much needed rez monitor..... -




Phillip J Fry

Active Member
Hey nice lil setup! ya i agree if u like it now wait till you get some in full flower mode your gonna fall head over heels. Just make sure you do not cut it too soon.


Well-Known Member
Just got finished doing some engineering in my grow a vfd setup for my inline 8" duct fan.....and built a homemade scrog screen....I think it's pretty dope! Anyway got some pictures for ya to check out.

Also got myself a blue diamond 1,000watt bulb to match my red diamond's fuckin BRIGHHHHHT....holy shit.....felt like RAY Charles for a minute in that fuckin offense... I am gonna get my 3- 5 gal setups and put them in the other side of the tent and make it my veg/flower transition room. The other side of the tent will be for the T5 HO setup I currently have going on. I think it will work out well........I have a large Phresh Carbon filter on order along with a 6" inline duct fan with vfd to control it....gonna set it outside the tent and rock on!

In the solo cups I brought them out for group pics and individual - fuckin addicting....

So I got 2 more Tangerine Dream rockin, another White Widow, 2 more LSD, and 1 Moby Dick.

Here are current pics: enjoy!:-P



Well-Known Member
Hey bro, everythings looking good, however i see something you need to change, the clear plastic cups you have your seedlings in need to be gone over with some duck tape or something to seal out the light from the sides, the roots will die off when they reach the outsides of the cup if you don't, lights and roots just don't mix, but like i said everything else is looking great


Well-Known Member
Here is the latest update on the grow: Took some pics and did some watering, etc.

Yeah I plan on transferring out of the clear Solo cups as soon as I see the roots hit the side & down to the bottom of the cup....shouldn't take but about 3 or so more days. Then I am going to put them into 5gal buckets like the other 3 I have going now.

So that will put me with a grand total of 12 plants! All seeds are Feminized EXCEPT the White Widow's. Should be a pretty close back to back harvest - plus I will do some cloning.

The 3 plants currently in the grow cabinet under bubbleponics/dwc/aeroponics - plan on keeping them inside the cabinet and just changing out the light to HPS in about another week or so. This upcoming Monday will be the start of WK#3 for all EXCEPT the new seedlings of course. So I will let the one's in the grow cabinet get to about 7" then flip to 12/12 and put up a net trellis and start Flowering! Sound like a good idea??????

Any feedback just let me know! Other than that I'll try and keep this current as possible.

Tangerine Dream - Pic#wp_000695
LSD - Pic#wp_000694
White Widow - Pic#wp_000696

Group shot of the 3 inside the grow cabinet: 2xWhite Widow 1xPineapple Express
Pic#wp_000697, shot of the root zone of the 3 is Pic#wp_000699





Well-Known Member
Looking very good! I'm subed. Thanks for the tips btw. Oh and you're growing LSD. I wanted to try that strain sometime down the road.


Well-Known Member
Well here we are at Day 23......the last day of the 2nd week of nutrients.....tomorrow afternoon I will do a fresh rez change out and increase the PPM from about 600ish to around 850-950ish....and go from there!

I will change out the rez in the DWC/Bubbleponics system as well tomrorow and start the other 3 on their 3rd week of nutrients, same PPM as above.

I'm using AN Sensi Grow A/B with some voodoo juice and a little B52. - I have some Dark Energy as well to use as a foliar spray with RO water Ph'd.

Things seem to be looking pretty good....going to duplicate my setup in the grow tent to get ready for transplanting 6 from the solo cups to individual 5gal buckets. So that will have me with 12 plants total - 9 of which are feminized seeds - leaving only the 3 WW as regs.

I started the water pump in the grow cabinet rez as I forgot to install it last week...ooops! So growth should really take off now!

Any feedback from anyone at this juncture would be great!

The big bushy plant in the pic is the WW...sure hope its a FEM!! It's so freaking my T5 HO!! I seen some T5 HO with LED's integrated thinking about getting one of those to try out.




Active Member
Holy Shit dude! Your white widow is bushy as fuck!! Looks totally different than mine does.. Here I'll attach a pic and you can compare yourself haha xD
This clone was accidentally topped when it was only 5 inches tall, so its kinda bushing out to, but god damn the leafs look completely different!!

Anyways dude I'm pullin up a chair and sticken around to see how your grow goes! Excited to see how the LSD turns out, thinking bout gettin some for myself!!
Good work bro, +rep


Well-Known Member
thanks everyone for the positive feedback......I can't believe this WW either...fuckin looks like a damn bush! I just checked the water temp - 67 degrees and the Air Temp inside the tent is 72.3..... ppm is 760 - ph is 5.6. Tomorrow is the start of week #3, so I will up the nutrients to about 900ish using Sensi Grow A/B lil voodoo juice and some b52 & CalMag - make me some foliar spray of Dark Energy to spray during the week.

So I am pretty stoked thus far with my first grow.....gonna replicate this setup in my tent for the Flowering Room - I plan on using my flowering room as week #3 for veg & 4 - then just change the badass mh blue diamond bulb to the red diamond hps and rock it 12/12 - start at 500watt then 750 then final setting of 1,000watt! Going to scrog using my custom 2'x2' screen (show in this post) just for the LSD plant - and the WW/Tangerine Dream will just grow on its own.

Stay tuned as the grow continues......!




Well-Known Member
Officially WK# 3 of Veg! Getting more exciting! <- first time growers

Well what a day......changed out all the reservoirs......cleaned the reservoirs really well and then mixed up a new batch of nutrients - final PH: 5.5 PPM: 985 in both the 5gal buckets and the larger reservoir in the grow cabinet as well PH: 5.5 PPM: 986.

I did try something today and hopefully I didn't fuck it up too cut the top off of one of my WW - seen in the pic - the grow locker WW - I just cut the top right off....I'll see how it does over the next

I am uploading some new pics of all the days progress.....should be getting my Blue Diamond MH Bulb this week....can't wait - then I am gonna move the current setup into that side of the tent. I am going to pick up another T5 HO 2' 8lamp light system this week as well to put inside my veg. room - so that will be 2 total light systems at a whopping 32,000 LUMENS!

I think it will be pretty damn good for a veg. room. The grow cabinet will run veg wk3 for one more week then I will start the flowering period for it - cutting 1 week off veg., so I can sex the plants and see what I got - then keep flowering most likely.

Stay tuned! still waiting on my BLUE GUARDIAN MONITOR!!



interested in your tangerine dream. i've got one going outdoors...f'in huge.... four weeks since pre-flowers and still nothing..... this is gonna be going until november!


Well-Known Member
I got something for you guys to look over......I was foliar feeding some Dark Energy this evening and I came about this on my WW-- 7 & 9 leaves? WTF? and it's all over the plant - strange shit.....this rare? It's 24 days old?? Weird.....

Look at the pics......thanks for any response.....widow



Active Member
Dude that White Widow looks dank as all hell, I'd defiantly clone that before you flower. That might be a one in a kind phenotype man, worth keepin around!