First time grow... off to a bad start


New Member
Okay so I have three plants growing at the moment and I'm amongst all the other noobs who took seeds from bud that was somewhat seedy and put them in soil and watered them. Therefore I can't sound all cool and say I have some good ass shit. I'm hoping what i have is good enough. Thus far i know for certain that one of my three plants is a male. The other tso I am awaiting some sort of sign of sex. I have a feeling that they are either both female or of the same strain. This assumption is due to the fact that the appear to have the same qualities as one another. Such as size, color, and growth patterns. They're being grown under fluorescent "grow" bulbs purchased from walmart. Ihave decided that I will remove the male although it kills me because it is so large and in the way. I have no intentions of allowing is pollen sacs to burst. And I will be purchasing cfl bulbs i have decided because it is such a small grow. Now herd is my implication. These plants are probably over a month old Lthough their stature is small. I have germinated a new seed and just put it in soil this morning. I hope to apply what I have learned to my new plant. The other three started outside and i had been watering them either everyday or every other day. These are both reasons I have assumed that their growth was stunted. Please give me any tips or recommendations you have for my new seed as well as the older ones..


Active Member
First, can I suggest some line breaks in your post? Kinda hard to read as one giant block and that can put people off.

Now to business.
Pictures. If you provide them the feedback you get will be soo much better.

Without pictures I can at least say that watering everyday or every second day doesn't sound right.

When you say the plants were started outside, I assume you mean in pots?
I assume this because you mention CFL's.

If so, what size pots?

What type of soil?

More details means better advice.


Well-Known Member
Okay so I have three plants growing at the moment and I'm amongst all the other noobs who took seeds from bud that was somewhat seedy and put them in soil and watered them. Therefore I can't sound all cool and say I have some good ass shit. I'm hoping what i have is good enough. Thus far i know for certain that one of my three plants is a male. The other tso I am awaiting some sort of sign of sex. I have a feeling that they are either both female or of the same strain. This assumption is due to the fact that the appear to have the same qualities as one another. Such as size, color, and growth patterns. They're being grown under fluorescent "grow" bulbs purchased from walmart. Ihave decided that I will remove the male although it kills me because it is so large and in the way. I have no intentions of allowing is pollen sacs to burst. And I will be purchasing cfl bulbs i have decided because it is such a small grow. Now herd is my implication. These plants are probably over a month old Lthough their stature is small. I have germinated a new seed and just put it in soil this morning. I hope to apply what I have learned to my new plant. The other three started outside and i had been watering them either everyday or every other day. These are both reasons I have assumed that their growth was stunted. Please give me any tips or recommendations you have for my new seed as well as the older ones..
Need some pics. It's perfectly normal to encounter issues with Cannabis, especially as a new grower. Are you using nutes? And you want to spread out watering every 2-3 days.


I water when the top Inch or so of soil is dry, every 4-5 days in my case and my girls being 20 days old now, I will start them on a light Neut feeding every other watering. They don't need Neuts every day, Feed them, let them use what you give them and adjust as needed indicated by your plants.


New Member
First, can I suggest some line breaks in your post? Kinda hard to read as one giant block and that can put people off.

Now to business.
Pictures. If you provide them the feedback you get will be soo much better.

Without pictures I can at least say that watering everyday or every second day doesn't sound right.

When you say the plants were started outside, I assume you mean in pots?
I assume this because you mention CFL's.

If so, what size pots?

What type of soil?

More details means better advice.

It's difficult to type things on my phone. I'll remember the spacing from now on.

The plants started out in a small green house that i had on my patio. Completely unable to ne see from anyone but me. They were in there from germ until they grew about three or four nodes.


Well-Known Member
They look overwatered and underlighted. Those "grow" bulbs don't do much for weed. Get a bunch of cfls and keep them real close.

Follow the advice on watering. I do every third day.


Active Member
You need way more light. If your going with cfl id suggest getting the big ones or atleast, ATLEAST a combination adding up too 250 watts or 12000 lumens. I use 2, 65w daylight and 8, 42w warm or 2600k. Thats your only problem is you need way more light. They will grow more compact, quicker and healthier. Your lookin at about 100$ bucks in cfls if you take that route. You sbould order them from get atleast one full spectrum and none should be less than 42w.


Active Member
So far though its not a bad start. When you get your new lighting just top them a few inches back and then top the next two nodes that appear giving it a more compact bushy look. You really should have been more prepared though all this info is out there already then you would have avoided this. I say stick em in the green house untill you get a good light setup. Theyre still small and wont flower for another month or so untill you get them in a good setup. Goodluck my friend keep posted.


Well-Known Member
All good advice. Get some 6500K CFL's (3-4 would be good). I'd go easy on the nutrients...start out with 1/2 strength and add sparingly at first. It's my opinion (I'm no expert) that you should also be entertaining larger pots....3-5 gal.
Search Craig's List for 400W gro lights. You should be able to get a balast and hood for under $100 and maybe a good bulb buy too. Totally the way to go and cheap too.


Active Member
Stunted growth definitely means not enough light. Since you started with bag seed about half will be males, no big deal. Look on the bright side (no pun intended), once you have a solid female you can clone her as often as you like an never have to worry about males or strains again. If the bag you got the seed from was good you have nothing to worry about for quality. They say it is 90% genetics and 10% technique.


New Member
People saying water every three days is only correct under certain circumstances, water when the pots feel light, and during flowering dontletthem get so light before watering.

i have some plants I have to water everyday,some every 2 days, some 3, it depends on pot size and environment.

basically, once you've potted up, water them till runoff, feel how heavy the pot is, now keep checking everyday till the pot is light, anywhere from 1-7 days depending on a lot of things.

thats the only sure fire way to tell, I've never overwatered a plant, just remember during flowering you don't want the pots to dry out so much, as this can hinder bud production.
during veg you want the pots to dry out, not completely though, just enough to encourage root growth.

for a guideline, but this is a estimate, 12 litre smart pot watered till runoff, with a established plant I water every 3 days, but again, I check the pots and if their still heavy i Would leave it

also try and water as early in the day as possible, within first few hours of lights on is best, during veg this isn't as much as a concern then during flowering. If u water just before lights off, the roots sit in damp soil, humidity rises and can cause issues.


New Member
As for bag seeds being 50/50 is not true, if they from some swag that's been grown outdoors and pollinated in field, the female ratio will be about 80%, although that goes down with poor handling.

Regular healthy fresh seeds will germinate more females, than males, its about 80% female I believe.

if the seed is from some grade a, and it was one of say 1 or 2 seeds in a pound, I guarantee that seed will be female and deinately worth growing, all it is, is a S1 seed, all plants will self pollinate under certain conditions.


Active Member
As for bag seeds being 50/50 is not true, if they from some swag that's been grown outdoors and pollinated in field, the female ratio will be about 80%, although that goes down with poor handling.

Regular healthy fresh seeds will germinate more females, than males, its about 80% female I believe.

if the seed is from some grade a, and it was one of say 1 or 2 seeds in a pound, I guarantee that seed will be female and deinately worth growing, all it is, is a S1 seed, all plants will self pollinate under certain conditions.
Sinsemilla doesn't always mean good, it just means seedless.