first time grow.. updated pics....


Active Member
Looking pritty good there! What tyoe of lights are you running and in what space are you doing this grow?

That paki is the best looking one imo.


Active Member
thanks for checking it out. Yes, the paki looks really good and keeps getting better. i have them in a 3 foot by 6 foot high enclosure that i built on top of a table. They are under a 400 watt hps
How did u make ur grow room i have a tight budget and a plant that is like 5 days old and still really small...... Im using miracle grow wat else do i user? And i only have it unde a 100 watt house lamp...

end of the line

Well-Known Member
good lookin grow,
I was thinkin of getting some blue himalaya, so I be interested to see how yours turns out.
I been grow LR and I need something stronger.
anyways, good luck and I be lookin for updates.

end of the line

Well-Known Member
just wondering if your ever going to give an update???

edit: I just noticed you start a new thread for every update you had.
why did you do this???
you have a total of 11 threads for your grow.


Active Member
my fault everybody on the new threads and all tht... i was new at this and didnt know how to fully navigate, so i just kept makin new ones, this grow been finished... i finished out with around a lil over 34 grams each plant, so it was lovely for the first time growin out auto plants....