first time grow


Active Member
i just put labels over them now do you think this will help it looks like it has gotten worst as time pass.


Active Member
its been 12 hours later and the stem is getting thinner and thinner with faint black. should i let it go and see if it lives or would it be better to cut it down and try to clone it and save it



Active Member
h2o2 won't fuck up my other plant will it? that one is going strong and healthy. about how much should i add? and i dont want to shock it to bad with ice so how would i cool the water down?


Well-Known Member
not sure on how much too add, but from what i've read its supposed to help, a simple fan can keep things cool,


Active Member
well i think the stem rot got the best of me again. the stem is real thin and BLACK. i tried 2 cap fulls of h2o2 and also have a fan in with the plant and also placed the paper cover over the pod. i dont know what else to do. my first plant is fine though growing strong and healthy.

does anyone know if there is a differance in growing medium because i used the gourmet herbs kit and the medium is a dark brown and about 4 to 5 in long. i than bought the baby cherry tomato kit and the medium is only 1 to 2 in long and it looks like a white sponge more than a medium. would this have a major dif in growth??


Active Member
i guess i have to retract my previous statement. the stem rot has seem to stop:clap: the little baby's are taking off like wild fire now:weed:. space is becoming limited and these things are getting huge. they are on there 5th day flowering and dam i didn't expect them to grow that fast PIC TO COME


Well-Known Member
Good to hear your plants recovered from the stem rot issues you were having, mine shriveled up and died after it kept getting worse.


Well-Known Member
Hydrogen peroxide is the bomb use one tsp per gallon all you plants will love love it. And cool the water nutes in warm water grows mold fast then you add some air stones and the mold is stoked so add h202 and make sure to flush all your lines the mold id probably throughout it. Sorry to say stem rot fatal. Good luck man have lost many good girls over the years everyone does.


Active Member
small update here got a good high on and decided to take some pic for everyone. plants are 5 weeks 2 days

this aerogarden is the bomb set up! i have not altered it in any form and these puppys are excellent my eyes. :eyesmoke: they are on 12/12 now 1 week. waiting to see the sex hate to have experinced this to have a male i i will cry

any who im high and cant type anymore (cant see) so enjoy



Well-Known Member
There lookin great man, its good to hear you took care of the root rot, you got a pair of ladies there ;)


Well-Known Member
glad to hear they are doing well. just an fyi that cute little puppy sittting behind them will probably be your next plant problem cause as they havs all kinds of bugs and noseums on them just try to keep the pup away fro the girls.


Active Member
thats my dog "buddy" hes old as shit (15) and the plants were taken out of there grow room. i have them growing in a closet and its hard to do pruning or anything. i took them out to clean the reservoir and take some pic of them. thank you for that advice though, man i would hate to lose my shit because of a bunch of stoner bugs LOL:bigjoint: