first time grow


Active Member
so its been a little bit since my last update and they are growing like crazy!! i had to readjust the light for height. and also i started training my plants i pulled the tops over slowly so they lie down more and the branches reach for the light a little better(i will send pic later).

but on a other hand its been about 3 weeks flowering and i think i have the worst:shock: a dude can anyone verify this

i will also post some more pic as soon as i get the time



Active Member
man what a bummer i have one plant left and it hasnt shown its sex yet. would it be better to take a clone off it NOW and sex the clone and put the plant back in veg or should i wait for the plant to sex and than clone a lower branch that doesnt flower (if female).

i dont want to replant seeds to have more males and if my other plant shows female i would like to keep her or a clone of her and was just wondering the best way i could do this


Active Member
here are some new pic for your viewing pleasure

i had to pull the top away from the light due to height restrictions so thats why it looks a little funny

and notice how the dog seems to come around the instant i take the plant out!! i think he wants some



Well-Known Member
Im sure you got a female man, jus keep a close eye on here, look into LST, Losw Stress Training, gently tie down the tops, and they will grow bac up towards to light, after being tied down


Active Member
ok so i bought a enegery smart light to put in with the plants and i dont know if its right for them i bought it at target for 9 dollars its one of those spiral floresent lights the package said it is 2700 lumens 42 watt and in my research people says its good just wasnt sure? and also how far away should i keep it from the plant not to burn them


Active Member
it deoesnt say. the recept says 42w CFL HW i know that it is way brighter than the bulbs in the AG almost blinding


Active Member
it deoesnt say. the recept says 42w CFL HW i know that it is way brighter than the bulbs in the AG almost blinding:blsmoke:


Active Member
after adding the light i believe my baby is finally showing female. not to sure but the new growth seems to be growing way different than before and seems to be holding tight together. i will send pic soon but from what i see it think its starting to bud. i also am trying a clone of the girl. i took a small 2"branch and placed it in one of the pods that come with the aerogarden and keep it on 12/12. seems to be growing strong 2 days later. no roots yet but doesnt look like its going to die. will keep posted with pic soon


Active Member
well if thats the case than that puts an end to this log i have just placed 1 bagseed in to start germinating it came from some really dank nugz though not shawag. hope this one is better off