First time grower,going to stick through it till the end


Well-Known Member
damn this sucks,my plant is progressing but now its crooked because it was reaching towards the light,i hope my stem dosent break


Well-Known Member
well im going to rotate it alot lol its so crooked,looks kind of stupid,like it was dropped at birth on its face,LOL


Active Member
looks nice man.
i'd put a little tiny fan on it to strengthen up the stem. you don't want that stem breaking and a little breeze will bulk it up. perfect set up, tho for the one plant.

id recommend for the other lights: hang em. screw in a few hooks in your closet either on the ceiling or the wall and just dangle the light from the hook (wrap the wire or tie a string to the hook). that way you'll be right above the plant and you can configure the lights however you want (maybe two on the sides and 2 above?)

good luck man keep us up to date


Well-Known Member
lol i think rictor,and thanks marc and heres an update for today everyone I have some bad news and I hope it can recover,i woke up and it was fully touching the ground bent over,the stem isnt broke so i used a pencil and ziptie to hold it up,giving it a day or 2 to see if it improves,if no improvement ill plant my baby outside to give a chance to grow,and check back at the end of summer but heres the pics:

DAy 7:
Had to tie my baby up!

poor baby!

Im giving it 24-48 hours to see if it lives!


Well-Known Member
you need to get a gentle breeze going, as someone suggested. fans emulate wind, which encourages strong stems.

i'd suggest 18/6 aswell, to get it's roots stronger.


Well-Known Member
i have no way to get a gentle breeze going the only fan i have is one of the huge ones and even on low it would rip my plant out of the soil,its powerful,and i have it on a 20-4 light schedule atm

Dom Parm

Active Member
yo go bears i just got this sick cfl from home depot. in the outdoor section they have cfl's that blow that shit out the water.i was using those lights u got and they stretched my plant out and it looked just like that. now i got a 65 watt cfl that puts out 6500 lumens. that shit grows like crazy every day. its a lil more bread but it takes money to make money


Well-Known Member
Get a small fan, it's a must. If you keep the stem tied to support it the plant will not develop the strength to support buds. Get something small and cheap at a drugstore. When you put air on the plant, leave it staked loosely as you have it until it gains strength. Eventually , remove the stake and put a stick up diagonally for the plant to blow against. As you rotate the plant, just remove the stick and place it down-wind of the plant. They respond quickly to some "wind"- they really like it!


Well-Known Member
I got a small fan now,im germinating a new seed atm so yea,gonan replant and ill leave the fan on that one,im going to buy a new stronger bulb most likely also