first time grower one of my plants wilted

c cinco

i got it to come back but 30% of my fan leaves are brown will my plant come back to full life with some good smoke??:cry:

c cinco

pla 003.jpgpla 001.jpgpla 002.jpgeven my pistols turned brown like dead looking i missed 1 day watering all my others stood strong but this one didnt ..will it come back to life??? and 2 if it does will i get some cool bud to smoke??it used to be the pretty one out the bunch and the biggest by far ..i just need help some type of info


Well-Known Member
hmm im not positive but it kinda looks like nute burn? but it looks like its only on one side of the plant? you're plant looks like its really starting to flower so maybe you gave it too much nitrogen...not sure tho.

pull of the dead leaves and if it continues to spread, try flushing it. it'll take a few weeks but once it recovers it will be fine. you'll think its not doing anything and then one day it will start growing again.

second opinions anyone?

c cinco

so i should pull all the dead leaves off of the plant ..your good and fast with the answers i really do appreciate the help