First time grower...Opinions and suggestions welcome and wanted.


Well-Known Member

13 Days of flowering
48 Days from seed


So I decided to LST my tallest Bubblelicous.It was growing at such a fast rate and I was afraid I might run out of vertical space.So I read up on it....and most the info I found said it was ok to LST a plant while its flowering.I started to LST it and my wife asked if she could help.She's been wanting to get more involved with the gardening.I held the main stem down after swaying it back and forth a few times.It had a nice arc to it as I ready it for tying down.My wife went to tie the knot with the string we were using and just as she was going to cinch the knot, she yanked down to hard and SUPERCROPPED the main stem.The outer part of the stem did not break open at all...just the inside center folded over.I didn't even hear or feel a snap.
I think it will turn out OK...I'm not worried.
Just another learning experience for the both of us.

Here are the height measurements I took the day I started their 12/12 cycle:
Bubblelicous1 (auto) - 11"
Bubblelicous2 (auto) - 11"
Baby Bubblelicous (auto) - 7 1/2" (25 days of veg)
Master Kush - 11"

Todays height measurements:
Bubblelicous1 -33"
Bubblelicous2 - 23"
baby Bubblelicous - 25 1/2"
Master Kush - 22 1/2"

As you can see the 1 Bubblelicous grew 22" in 12-13 days.

Few pix below




Well-Known Member
damnnn that sux man u goin to str8n her out? giver her a cane? looks good thouhg
Nah,I wanted it tied down anyways,so I'm leaving it the way it is.Hopefully it reaches for the light, like it should.We'll see....Its our first supercropping..LoL
Learning as we go.




Well-Known Member
She'll mend so long as the stem didn't completely seperate. Just a minor boo boo. Everything else is copacetic Low man. Keep em green.


Well-Known Member
Wow your bubblicious 1 grew almost 2 inches a day! Geez... I might have to read up on LST as well. My growbox is only 3ft tall. Plants are looking good. God me excited now about bubblicious auto.


Well-Known Member
She'll mend so long as the stem didn't completely seperate. Just a minor boo boo. Everything else is copacetic Low man. Keep em green.
Yea,It didn't seperate....Its looking good.Going to do a grow journal update in a few mins.
Enjoying your thread,its like a soap opera in there."Now go cut all your fan leaves off" LoL
Oh ,and how about the guy trying to sell stuff in

Wow your bubblicious 1 grew almost 2 inches a day! Geez... I might have to read up on LST as well. My growbox is only 3ft tall. Plants are looking good. God me excited now about bubblicious auto.
Thanx....and Kool!
I'll be by to visit and watch yours grow.




Well-Known Member

14 Days of flowering
49 Days from seed

Fed the girlz today.
1 Tbl Molasses
1 Tbl FF Big Bloom
1 tsp FF Grow Big
1 tsp FF Tiger Bloom
1 tsp General Organics BioBud Bloom Booster (this stuff reeks)

pH of runoff: 6.1

The Supercropped Bubblelicous is doing fine.Already started reaching for light.
Master Kush is taking her time.Growing a lot slower then the Bubblelicous.

Pix are labeled.



Wow!! It is just fantastic what you and ur wife r doing, I'm sure it will help her in da future!! I just joined this forum today cuz I am looking at starting a garden-- I like your journal and pics and the list of items you started with- I learn best with a list and trial/error- I have also been reading the cultivators bible, has a lot of good info!! All of it is starting to come together now though , just need to get a shopping list together-- I'm sick of these pills for my back that don't do much good anymore!! Thanks for being an inspiration and giving us a peek into your world!!! Peace


Well-Known Member
Wow!! It is just fantastic what you and ur wife r doing, I'm sure it will help her in da future!! I just joined this forum today cuz I am looking at starting a garden-- I like your journal and pics and the list of items you started with- I learn best with a list and trial/error- I have also been reading the cultivators bible, has a lot of good info!! All of it is starting to come together now though , just need to get a shopping list together-- I'm sick of these pills for my back that don't do much good anymore!! Thanks for being an inspiration and giving us a peek into your world!!! Peace
Thanx Bones. It seems that marijuana helps her a lot more than the pills they have her on. Just wish they would make it legal nation wide.
As far as creating a list of things to start your grow, just keep reading and reading and reading some more. RIU has a lot of good info. There are so many different ways of growing that you have to find out what suits your needs best. If you need any help just ask. I'm a noob but I'll try to help as best as I can. Glad to have inspired you. Good luck with your future grows.Stop by and visit again.




Well-Known Member
I received replacement seeds from NIRVANA today.They sent 5 FEM White Castle and 5 FEM Auto Bubblelicous in a small candy tin.I'm very happy with their customer service and would order from them again.:weed:

Thanx Charlie!



Well-Known Member
It will be legal one day. If any of us will live to see it happen, we will have to wait and see I guess. I certainly hope so. Why'd they send you replacement seeds?


Well-Known Member
It will be legal one day. If any of us will live to see it happen, we will have to wait and see I guess. I certainly hope so. Why'd they send you replacement seeds?
I hope its soon..LoL

Check out post #114 for the Nirvana stuff.




lookin awesome. how long are you going to be flowering them? and what do you guys think about those Green Pads that you stick somewhere near your plants that generates co2 when activated by humidity?


Well-Known Member

16 Days of flowering
51 Days from seed

Watered the girlz today...regular.

The Supercropped Bubblelicous is reaching for the light and looking good.

LowView attachment 1126090
Do you think bending your stem is better? (pic 1/2). What did you do? Just bend and break it a lil? I was just considering doing that to my outdoor plant but don't think its a good idea, I think its more of a indoor thing to have more of the plant closer to the light right?


Well-Known Member
lookin awesome. how long are you going to be flowering them? and what do you guys think about those Green Pads that you stick somewhere near your plants that generates co2 when activated by humidity?
Thanx...The Bubblelicous I'm guessing 8 weeks and the Master Kush 9 -10 weeks.I won't know exact times until their ready to harvest.I don't know anything about the green pads...sorry.

Do you think bending your stem is better? (pic 1/2). What did you do? Just bend and break it a lil? I was just considering doing that to my outdoor plant but don't think its a good idea, I think its more of a indoor thing to have more of the plant closer to the light right?
I wanted to LST it because of height restrictions I have in my tent.But it was accidentally Supercropped instead.Thought it might run out of room in there.Seems to be recovering fine...But peeps do Supercrop during veg to lower the plant and make it bushier and to change the way the buds grow.So instead of 1 main cola the plant can be topped then supercropped or LST'd creating multiple medium size colas.




Well-Known Member
Do you think supercropping or LST increases yield a lot?
This is my first grow,but what I've read says its a great way to maximize yield.
Check out this thread,it might have answers to your questions:

Nice ladies Low :D
Thanx Bro.

Nice grow man. I need to start LST my auto BB also. They are getting way to tall.
Thanx CCL...1 of mine took off like a rocket.LoL
I'll be stopping by to visit and check out the LST.

