First time grower, Temperature problems/questions


Active Member
Hi all,

I've read lots of thread here on temperatures and have gathered that I should be keeping it below 85F and 95 at most.

I've started my closet grow and just added a 400W HPS with cooltube hooked up to and inline fan and carbon filter that moves 360 Meters cubed per hour.
My problem is I've already noticed temperatures rising in my room, I'm growing inside a 1M x 1M x 2m High closet inside my walk in wardrobe which in total is about 5 square metres. My Intake and vent is going into this room and it's usually about 25 degrees Celsius or 77F.

My first question is from where should I read the temperature in my grow room, If I measure from under the light at plant level it's 37 Degrees celsius but in the middle it's 34 degrees.

I have the possibility of making a vent into the rest of the apartment but would it be better to draw in coo air from there and vent the carbon filter end into the same room or draw in the warmer air from the grow tent through the cooltube and out into the colder room outside

I'm thinking I might have to end up buying a second in-line fan to draw cold air in as if I'm not sucking the air out from the grow box then I guess the effect of the carbon filter is gone.

I've kind of just confused myself here with the whole situation but I guess would be nice to know where in the grow box I should be reading the temperatures from first.
