First time grower... updated pics


Active Member
ra.JPGra3.JPGra1.JPGall 3 are auto's... first pic is a blue himalaya female at 17 days. 2nd pic is a ak48 female at 22 days and the 3rd is a pakistan ryder at 25 days. All are in FFOF soil and 400 watt hps. have been giving them big bloom and molasses and also just started the pakistan ryder on tiger bloom as well for the first time a few days ago mixed with the big bloom and all our responding well to nutes. The ak48 got a lil too close to the lights and the leaves curled a lil but its all good now. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks and happy growing to all........


Active Member
quite the difference between #2 and #3 for just 3 days.
look good for autos
yeah i know, i was scratchin my head on that one. I didnt do anything different on them either and the one is way smaller. I know it is supposed to be a shorter strain that the pakinstan ryder but it looks good though. Maybe just a runt...