
alright so here the thing, i just went with the most expensive stuff that didnt say anything about time release nutrients.. "Mircacle-Gro premium potting mix 0.14 - 0.14 - 0.14" 3 of 5 seeds sprouted early, only 1 night and it grew about half a inch root. i put the seeds about 3/4 of an inch into the soil and filled it with water but it looks to me that the soil is really muddy and im worried that it wont be getting enough oxygen.. could this be because of the soil i used or should i water the soil before introducing the seed? also what is a good location to put the pots during this stage? alot of people are saying no light, others constant light, others put bags over the pots, others say they need oxygen :-?:?:confused::confused::-?:?:-?:confused::-?:?:?:-?:confused::confused::-?:confused: ... also i put them in 4" pots, should i use something smaller or will this be fine


Active Member
Well miracle grow isnt very good but it will work, from seeds I have always just left outside in the natural day cycle, although I am sure there are more reliable ways to get em going. but its always worked for me keeping the sprout in a pot, in the regualr day, with light watering. Should pick up fairly quickly.


Well-Known Member
alright so here the thing, i just went with the most expensive stuff that didnt say anything about time release nutrients.. "Mircacle-Gro premium potting mix 0.14 - 0.14 - 0.14" 3 of 5 seeds sprouted early, only 1 night and it grew about half a inch root. i put the seeds about 3/4 of an inch into the soil and filled it with water but it looks to me that the soil is really muddy and im worried that it wont be getting enough oxygen.. could this be because of the soil i used or should i water the soil before introducing the seed? also what is a good location to put the pots during this stage? alot of people are saying no light, others constant light, others put bags over the pots, others say they need oxygen :-?:?:confused::confused::-?:?:-?:confused::-?:?:?:-?:confused::confused::-?:confused: ... also i put them in 4" pots, should i use something smaller or will this be fine

exactly what jeep said and you will be good to go and make sure you water your soil first also,mg suxs again lol and mist your soil dont water it when seeds are in there yo
don't use the miracle grow yet, you don't want to burn your plants with nutrients that haven't even grown too much yet. Do your pots have holes in the bottom to let the water out? If not then try to put very very small ones in the bottom so the soil won't be so liquidy


Well-Known Member
if the MG soil kills your seeds, your gonna want to do this. pull out all those little green nute balls, because a baby plant has everything it needs to grow except water and light, and ive seen those nute balls kill plenty of plants

i give my seedlings light ass soon as they crack the surface


i actually did manage to buy proper pots with holes that allow water to drain and i just noticed that my last 2 seeds have sprouted so i picked out as many of the little green ballz as i could see. hopefully they dont die... i guess i should mention i have nirvana - blue mystic seeds that i will start growing with but at the moment i am using a few random unknown seeds i got from friend cuz i knew i would be running into these kind of noob problems lol thanks for the help and info
definitely tell me how that strain is when you finish harvesting :) A couple of Snow White seeds that I bought online germinated and I put them into a couple of solo cups, so we're not that far apart in our grows, lol


Well-Known Member
Did you mix anything into the soil or just straight up potting soil? The Miracle Grow potting soil isn't THAT bad. They own everything now so there often aren't many choices.

Keep your waterings light. Should only need a little bit of water once a day or so. Once they get a little bit bigger they will only need water every couple of days (but more water). The water releases the nutes in the soil, so I would suggest watering very lightly in the beginning.

Also, when you go to transplant you should add perlite and vermiculite to your soil. So you should have 1/3 perlite, 1/3 vermiculite and 1/3 MG potting soild.

That will give you good moisture retention, good drainage and a decent enough soil to get through your grow. You won't be needing to add any nutrients for quite some time. I would say at least 5-6 weeks.


ill give that a shot but i actually have been wondering what type of nutrient solution solution i should be using in this situation and also if i decide to go with a soil with zero nutrients next time what solution is best then... and by best i mean easy to use/worry free for the noob grower


Well-Known Member
I use coco mate and its brilliant, you can never over water it, you dont have to worry about the ph of the coco as it dosen't effect ph, you know how many nutrients are in it (NONE) and you can wash it through and use again and again and again.

Used fiberglass blocks for the seeds.

Here are my babies that are in coco, dont forget it is my first grow.:hump::hump:



Well-Known Member
I would research your grow medium a little longer than one persons suggestion. Coco is messy and has it's downsides.

Everything is a tradeoff and you really have tons of options. Slow down, read and do a lot of research before deciding exactly how you want to proceed.