first time nub grow pc+cfl


Well-Known Member
my first time ever growing im using a pc to grow in reg soil from outside and water not planing on anything els under 1 45 watt cfl going to add another once i get my fan in
i germed 5 seeds all of them poped and i put them in lil paper cups wasnt planing on all of them to pop i only need to so im going to pick the best 2 in a few days will
can i grow them all the way with 1 45watt?
will 1 fan be enough for 2 45 watt cfls ?
should they be closer to the light if so how close
can i grow them all the way in the lil paper cups im not planing on a big yeald id be happy with getting 4 grams to be honest
any imput will help thanks
btw i spell like crap so my bad



Well-Known Member
damn bro i would have spent a couple of dollars and got some cheap dirt...get u a thermometer and run it how you would if i gets over 85 or whatever get you another fan...Good luck


Well-Known Member
High there white boy
so many questions lol
grow all the way with 2 bulbs no but they should be ok for vegging i"d say another 2 for flowering at the least
How bigs the comp ?
As for the fans if you can you should have at least 2 1 for inlet and 1 for exhaust. or you can have 2 for exhaust.
Don"t forget man that when you flip it to flowering them wee plants are gonna double/triple in size
You should have gotten some decent soil first.
For the lights, I would suggest keeping the lights 1.5 - 3 inches away from the plants.
As for the fans, I would suggest at least 2, the exhaust fan being the most important.
You will want the exhaust fan higher the lights if it is possible since heat rises, and have the intake near the bottom.

I just started my first grow a week ago, i have a similar setup, its inside a speaker box. I have 2 fans and 3 23w cfls and i'm having trouble keeping it under 82F (under 80F being the best) , so I would suggest you get 2 fans and do your best to keep it cool.

If your plants are too hot you will see the edges of the leaves start to point up a bit in an attempt to cool itself off.

You will also want some larger pots for them. I read that it is good to increase the size of the pot by 1 litre for every month it is alive.

Another thing you will want to get is something to test the ph level of the water and soil. the plant absorbs nutrients best when the ph level is around 6.0 - 6.2

If you keep those things in mind, and if you have enough lights covering the thing you wont have any trouble getting 4 grams lol.

Here is one last tip, you should research into the LST and scrogg methods. They are great for cfl growing.


Well-Known Member
lol well i am pretty cheep and this is just a practice grow just to get to no how to do thigs thanks for all the imput
thanks for the imput on the lights i didnt no it had to be so close
what do u guys think is better 4 26 watt or 2 45
btw when the light is on i leave the side of the pc open so the heat isnt bad at all its a lil bit above my room temp
the plants are all looking pretty good all 5 are over 1 inch on the 3rd day in soil is that good or normal speed?
ill post a pic later


Well-Known Member
If u plan to keep those things small I'd suggest doing 12/12 throughout the grow. And mos def look into LST and topping. I love watchin pc grows man I'm subscribed.
what do u guys think is better 4 26 watt or 2 45

I would try using the 4 26w lights for a few hours and check your temps, and then try using the 2 45w lights and check those temps.

I read that the 45w lights put out less heat per watt than the 24w lights, so if you find you are having heat issues (over 80F) then you should try using whichever setup produces less heat.