First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed


Active Member
it should be fine, only adverse effects i can think of are the stems not being as strong and not enough fresh air flowing around the plants


Active Member
I've been growing for 3 weeks now indoors hoping to grow outdoors i was just wondering if im doing ok... Basically i have my lights on 24/7 going to change to 18/6 soon then 12/12 when i think im ready maybe i should do 12/12 now im not sure though this is my first grow so can anyone help i have pictures posted in my profile and i want to try and post them on here too thanks


Well-Known Member
it should be fine, only adverse effects i can think of are the stems not being as strong and not enough fresh air flowing around the plants
hey gidg i should get some decent airflow across the stems because the plants are alittle low in the pot so the base should be okay but as for air movement around the plant if my intake is at the top wouldnt it put the air from bottom to top causing reasonable airflow?

and toker gtfo!
ask before you post my my thread! how the fuck should i know if your plants are doing well! its my first god damn grow! get back in that motha fuckin noob forum for those kinds of questions or the outdoor grow forum! peace!


Well-Known Member
I've been growing for 3 weeks now indoors hoping to grow outdoors i was just wondering if im doing ok... Basically i have my lights on 24/7 going to change to 18/6 soon then 12/12 when i think im ready maybe i should do 12/12 now im not sure though this is my first grow so can anyone help i have pictures posted in my profile and i want to try and post them on here too thanks
My advice would be to start a journal now. When you look around, talk your journal, too. Ask people to stop by for advice if they have time. That's the best way to do this thing, if you ask me.. That's what I did, anyways. :) Check my grow if you have time. It's in my sig.


Well-Known Member
thank you elephant for putting it nicely, sorry joker for being a dick, rough day at work. you guys know how it is.


Well-Known Member
Day 10 - 2/Apr/09 - Sprouts
Lights: 4 x 23w 6500k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 82.4 F

Pic 1-2: Heres number 1, looking pretty dam good in my opinion! finaly got some 3 pot leaf action happening which is very exciting!(atleast i think so).

Pic 3-4: And 2 its about a day behind 1. leafs are coming in good and strong. i wish i could tell you more but the pictures so all and theres not much to report on.

these plants seem to be staying true to their indica background they dont seem to be getting tall at all or even streching for that matter i only water every 2 days which seems to be working well so ill keep that up i just use tap water thats been sitting in the su for a few days. and guys keep your eyes open for my new outdoor grow journal should be off the hook! take it easy




Well-Known Member
thanks v. im glad everything worked out was a bumpy beginning:D next update will be later today when i get off work. cheers DW


Well-Known Member
Day 11 - 3/Apr/09 - Sprouts
Lights: 4 x 23w 6500k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 82.0 F

so... lets begin.

Pics 1,2,3: heres sprout one showing new growth every day now which is very exciting in my opinion(first time grow giddies) everything going great. i noticed one of the two original sprout leafs are turning yellow with brow spots? i believe this is normal due to nitrogen being used up? correct me if im wrong or give me your opinion.

Pics 4,5,6: sprout two also showing new growth ever day it seems very strong id love for it to be a female! but yah all goes well there too.

and any of you guys had your perlite turn yellow on you? like the stuff thats sitting on the surface has turned yellow. i may guess heat, but im not expert.



Well-Known Member
I think Sprout 1 has been burned. Maybe touched a bulb for a bit or got too close.
The round leaves below are still ok and are feeding the plant, so it's not nitrogen feeding. The leaf would look paler if it was too.
Things both look ok now though :)

I recycle my crisp packets for mylar.


Well-Known Member
My seedlings looked like that when they were too close to the light and more so when they were under-watered. My sprouts ALSO had N deficiency, but the leaves went yellow from that FAST. Then, blanched white. I will try to get pics of it up for you tomorrow or maybe tonight, if I get a wild bug up my arse! :)

See my avatar for my lack of hydration. Looks JUST like yours.


Active Member
thank you v12 and ele for your feedback just to make sure we are talking about the same leaf... i put a pic because i dont think there would be a hole it hell of it touch a light its at the very very bottom and its just discoloring and im debating to snip it. what do you think?
yeah i think you should snip it. I snipped mine. They are going to fall of anyways.

Nice grow btw.

also you should start to think of where you could put you lights because soon the plant will get higher then the lights so i recommend you should hang the lights and raise them up every time the plant grows


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice smiley. anyone else think i should snip it?
and yes smiley ill move the lights gradually on the rack its fitted to as the plant grows.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, bro. snip it. I clipped the Top44 and it picked right up. Also.. my burn like that occurred right after I transplanted. The roots got nudged hard. For what it's worth, I lost my whole lower fan leaves. The ones in my avatar currently are 2nd node.


Well-Known Member
I would never snip that leaf. It is what the plant eats until it can use its new root and leaf system to fend for itself. That's why it even looks different. It does a completey different job to the other leaves.
I was talking about the leaf above and in front of it. That one looks as if it has a burned edge on one side.


Well-Known Member
thanks v12 yah i know what burnt those fan leafs and ill keep the feeder leaves. thanks everyone!


Well-Known Member
Day 13 - 5/Apr/09 - Sprouts
4 x 23w 6500k CFL
Light Cycle: 18/6
Temp: 81.7 F

so i missed a day and well youll notice the changes!(for the better)

Pic 1-2-3: so heres sprout 1 looking amazing in my opinion old fan leafs are getting bigger and widening and theres a new set of fan leafs coming up the middle in just happy as can be.

Pics 4-5-3: and for sprout 2 still looks a day or two behind sprout 1 but pretty much the same codition and progress fan leafs getting bigger and widening. new growth coming up the middle.

