first time phototrophic grow *Dr. Atomic's Thai lights & Paradise seeds Wappa*

Last night was the first night I employed the use of the 1000w HPS and I've never seen a HPS light before this... Needless to say I woke up going WTF its so bright and gold? As I set my alarm for when my timer was supposed to engage the lights so that I could make sure that my hood/bulb were compatible and fired the first time. My god it's bright now I know why I got the method 7 sunglasses they're sooo awesome... When I was using my 600w MH I couldn't figure out the purpose of the blue shades; now I get it, needless to say; -still can't get over how it turns the gold tinted everything back to it's normal colors-...

my thai lights has adjusted pretty well so far to the scrog however, I've not gotten an even canopy but, there is progress being made for sure... Wappa has been a bit shocked I'm unsure why she's not doing too bad and as the days been going on she's gotten quite a bit better possibly due to the fact that I changed her res yesterday night during her dark cycle... any opinions?



added mirrors and reflective stuff, which definitely increased the light to the edges of the plants ... considering buying a few rolls of tin foil, lol.

... still can't get over how bright that bulb is it even hangs below my hood, ha ha, love it.

going to start to ease them into 12/12 over a few weeks and see how that goes...

IMG_2284.jpg<--got some rooted clones in purple silos

IMG_2285.jpg<-- clone purgatory, they were clipped yesterday so alas they look quite sad... Also, this is very ghetto prob; plans to make a bubbleponics cloner to come soon i just need to get some air stones and net pots...

Going to throw these ladies over into 12/12 for the first time tonight... Just started a seed of Afghan Hash that I found so hopefully it takes and it's female... SCROG is coming along very well, slowly getting an even canopy...


have been having good root system development as shown in both specimens



