First Time Shroom Grower PF-Tek


Well-Known Member
I'm on Amazon right now looking to buy some books on psilocybin mushrooms. I'm extremely interested in the entire subject. Any book suggestions?


im gonna try an outdoor shroom patch in the spring.... have plenty of cow shit round here, cant hurt


Well-Known Member
im gonna try an outdoor shroom patch in the spring.... have plenty of cow shit round here, cant hurt
sweet dude, it would be awesome to spark a joint and walk out to the sacred patch and see tons of mushies poking out of the ground
a beautiful sight it would be :mrgreen:

and your right about the cow shit...i think there may be more cattle than people in the boot


Well-Known Member
i went to lowes and finally picked up some more verm and perlite
i also grabbed a bag of dirt, im itching to grow some more bud
especially since we finished off our last bit of homegrown..i dont want to go back to buying rather spend my money on growing my own:weed:


sweet dude, it would be awesome to spark a joint and walk out to the sacred patch and see tons of mushies poking out of the ground
a beautiful sight it would be :mrgreen:

and your right about the cow shit...i think there may be more cattle than people in the boot
i went to lowes and finally picked up some more verm and perlite
i also grabbed a bag of dirt, im itching to grow some more bud
especially since we finished off our last bit of homegrown..i dont want to go back to buying rather spend my money on growing my own:weed:

if i pull of the outdoor patch, you are more than invited to come a smoke a joint and stare:mrgreen:... id invite you for new years, but since my future smoke walked away.......
hell, you can still come to the new years party if you want:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
hell yeah man! id love to come hang out and smoke with a fellow RIUer
my birthday is right after xmas so ill be all over the state around that time
i might have to make a guest appearance, but only if you let me take a spin on that sweet bike!:mrgreen::peace:


hell yeah man! id love to come hang out and smoke with a fellow RIUer
my birthday is right after xmas so ill be all over the state around that time
i might have to make a guest appearance, but only if you let me take a spin on that sweet bike!:mrgreen::peace:

hell, i could try:lol:.... but seriously, if you've got nothing better to do, and arent too far... come on over:mrgreen:;; i'll be havin a huge bonfire, not too many people, some shitty la shwag, and plenty of beer... gonna try to get backdoorman over here, and kingtrip will definately be here; so you could meet 2or3:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thats sweet on the new strain, I hope the outdoor grow goes well. You said you wanted to grow more weed, I thought you had to get rid of your lights? That would be sweet if you got to grow again!


Well-Known Member
well, i was getting rid of the light..but the dude hasnt come to get it or even mentioned it its just sitting there, staring at me, telling me to grow more pot
and ive got some flouro tubes that i first grew with that i could always resort to if need be
and i figured out that i wont be graduating and moving until like feb or march of 2010
so ive got another year to grow as much shit as i can before shutting her down until i get a new place
so im thinking we are back in business..gonna dunk some seeds in some water tonight and see what cracks:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
nope no green
i was a little confused on how to crush up the cakes
i was trying to break them up by just ripping them in half and then half that and half that
then i just started punching the shit out of it
got the job done


Well-Known Member
Thats sweet man, can't wait to see how it goes! Was that 4 pints, or 4 half pints?
Also sweet that you can keep growing. I got my 1000w kinda the same way. The guy that loaned it to me never answered his calls, and then moved, then I moved and said fuck it, I got a 1000w hps now! :) Did you end up giving him any of the harvest last time? You planning on scrog again, your last one turned out sweet! Maybe 4-6 this time?


Well-Known Member
Thats sweet man, can't wait to see how it goes! Was that 4 pints, or 4 half pints?
Also sweet that you can keep growing. I got my 1000w kinda the same way. The guy that loaned it to me never answered his calls, and then moved, then I moved and said fuck it, I got a 1000w hps now! :) Did you end up giving him any of the harvest last time? You planning on scrog again, your last one turned out sweet! Maybe 4-6 this time?
4 pint jars
and nah, he didnt get any bud, me and my girl smoked all of that shit lol
we like to smoke..what can i say
I dont know how we will grow this time..I want a mother or 2 to cut clones from
but ive never tried cloning so not sure how well that will go
if i dont scrog, ill LST


Well-Known Member
cloning is easy! Olivia's cloning gel is a good brand. It usually only takes 1 week, and you can start to see nubs growing


Well-Known Member
ive got some Dr Hornsby's Tarantula Benifical Bacteria or some shit...its powder and kind of old i think
where would one purchase this Olivias gel? I have no hydro store im limited to walmart, lowes, and the internet


Well-Known Member
I'm all for the scrog! If you really wanted to find a good mother, I'd say try to start several seeds, and flower them after like 2 weeks, sex them , and decide which ones you wanted to keep as mothers. You could keep them all real small, just see how they each perform, and then just reveg your favorite one(s). At harvest, don't trim everything off the plant, leave fan leaves and greenery, and reveg them. Then scrog those mothers when you reveg, they will be super bushy, and it will be great. Then right before you flower the mothers, take as many clones as you want off them. Flower the mothers, and grow the clones. I think that should get you through a year. :) lol not tryin to take over.


Well-Known Member
TC not a bad idea...i will probably end up doing something similar to this
I actually just decided to grow again while at lowes, havent even told my lady but im sure she wont have a problem with it as much as she likes to smoke
Im going to think about it and once i get some seedlings going i should have the plan down