First time


New Member
aswell as being my first minute on this thread, I also purchased 2 Cannabis seeds today, ive been smoking for quite a while now. And I thought I should give growing them myself a try. I know the basics because I spent some time reading how to look after them from germinating there on, but if theres any hidden trates or things you can tell me to avoid my plant dieing on me, or making it more potant, I would love it! And how do I tell wether my plants a male or female? Is it non-advisable to breed first time growing? And finally, can you contemplate on my set-up I thought about.

When I first get the seeds, im going to put them in a glass cup of luke-warm water in the dark for 16 hours, then plant in a small cup of rich soil, (how deep do I imbed it under the soil) with a special light (what lights most advisable in total cost wise, and easy accesability) im going to grow them from a seed into a 20 cm plant in my room with a certain lightbulb (which you can help me with) and water one every other day. Then once its finished growing to 20cm, I want to put it in the spare room of the house, the window closed, and no curtains in the way of the plant so it can obsorbe all of the sunlight. With big white sheets around all the other angles of the plant to reflect the light from the window, and im not sure if I should use special lights in the spare room, because when I looked I got told that one im happy with its high (around 6-8 ft) im supposed to give it less light each day so it starts to flower. Im not sure about all I have to do. If theres anything wrong with this setup, please help. Help is REALLY appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Normally I would refer you to the Growfaq, but it isn't working now. Wouldn't be a bad idea to get yourself a good book. There's lots to learn and you should really research as much as possible before you start. In the meantime, read as many topics here as you can. You'll learn new stuff all the time, I promise.