First timer 400w + CFLs Grow Tent LST/SCROG POSSIBLY!?


Alright so pretty much just like I jumped into deciding to grow, I've taken a step towards making this official by deciding to create a journal of my first time! I feel like a school girl writing in her diary... I'm all giddy and blushy!

Since I've already started growing, it's been 2 weeks and 3 days since they were planted, i'll try my best to catch you all up.. Sike.. alright.. alright.. Seeds -> Germinated Seeds -> Sprouts -> Small Vegging Plants?
Caught up.

Originally started with 10 plants, yet only 8 remain =/.. Use your imagination. It's alright though I probably thought it threw more clearly for the amount of space and lighting I should probably be running 4-6, but whatever it is what it is.. All started in biodegradable pots ended up transplanted the first 4 one week in...Eager beaver I know, but it's hard to find concrete information on anything in this field... In all actuality I wish I started them in the 2 gallon smart pots they are sitting in now or atleast transplanted them all at the same time, because the others growth seemed to be stunted by the pea pots. Although now that i actually think about it the pea pots may have had poor hydration and drainage, perhaps this is why 2 of my seedlings didn't make it very far?

Feeding will be FF Nutes Big Bloom/Grow Big/Tiger Bloom
Soil - Fox Farm Happy Frog

I'm just going to just start from today here are some pics! Strains Vanilla Kush/Lemon Skunk Haze/Purple Wreck


joliet jake

Active Member
Yea nice. I am using the same feeds and soils and it looks like your grow is off to a great start.

Keep pics comming and also post pics of your tent and set up. I love seeing how others set it all up.



A few updates
- Decided to attempt to lst some of the more developed plants. (Shown in photos, sorta.)
-Picture of outer setup. (Pretty basic)

That's all I can think of for now.... Here are some photos



Well-Known Member
They look like it progressing along fairly well. Nothing wrong with basic, it all you need. I know I sitting around waiting for light to come on and it over in 10 min..Then you think of some crazy plans, if this is you first grow, stick to your plan and you will learn so much...grow


So I'm currently rocking a 3x3x7 Tent with a 400w Hps + CFLs.. I was considering purchasing a 1000w Hps and putting it in there and putting the 400w in a cheap 2x2x6 Tent a friend gave me and making it into a veg tent.. What do you guys think? I'm not to interested in expanding beyond having more than 12 plants at a time so maybe 5 flowering and 5 vegging all the time..

Alright here a some more pictures..
They are officially 3 weeks old since seed. The smaller ones are the same age.. I transplanted them about a week later than the other 4 and clearly they developed faster in the smart pots rather than those 3 dollar Bio-Degradable Jiffy Pots.



Well-Known Member
If you put the 400w in other you will need a metal halide blub. I have a 400w hps in 3x5x6 box, right now I have 13 plants in there, 2 almost ready to harvest. I do 12/12 from seed and you don't veg, start straight from 12/12. I still have a smaller box for the smaller one. Also a box to veg clones in. So you can't have enough boxes. lol. grow


What do you mean start with 12/12 and you don't veg? Can anyone elaborate on how this would benefit me more than doing 20/4 during veg and 12/12 for flowering.


Well-Known Member
It faster to sex. You grow smaller plants and don't need a veg box. The plants veg till they are ready to flower under 12/12 from seed. Go check out 12/12 from seed thread. It something some of us are doing. It easier to have a perpetual grow, plus you save 6 hours of power a day. It like anything you try it and see if like it. Your on your first grow and you should stick to your plan and see how it goes. I have a grow journal in my signature, I have some I vegged 10 days, some clones and the rest 12/12 from seed. I have 26 plants, can have 36. Getting 4 more clones from a friend, going to germ 4 more today. I have some plants started every couple weeks. See you could have plants in both tents. It may not be for everyone, but if you want a perpetual grow, have space issues, and/or want to save power, it might be for


So it's been 28 days officially since I put them in the ground that makes them 4 weeks old or 3 weeks since week one is seedling week.. After much consideration ( a few hours) I decided to add molasses and superthrive to their watering and soon feeding. I watered two days ago and things seem to be fine.. Other than some human error... dropped the cfl on the plant to the bottom middle left for about a minute and ended up clipping a leaf or two. Let me know if you see anything strange or out of place.
Also I tried to get as close up as possible.. They've got these little white hair like follicles appearing and I wanted to make sure everything is alright.. I plan on vegging for at least 2-3 more weeks.
400wHPS is about 10 inches from the highest point of the biggest plant and cfls are spread throughout with a oscillating fan constantly running running around 76-82 degrees at the tops of the plant.

Here are some pictures



Well-Known Member
full specturm hps? nice bro coming along well,good combo of both lights i froth cfls good fo somanythings but cnt be botherd with them any more lol


Nothing much new just thought I'd get some pictures up. This was about an hour after watering, and everything seems to be chugging along fine. Some are starting to really show hairs I tried to get as close as possible. Don't know if this is normal for their age 24 days old since they sprouted and began veg. Then again my seeds ended up mixed up and mislabeled after germination so maybe they are just the autos I had being autos and flowering soon.. I'm hoping to stay in 20/4 for atleast 2 more weeks so some of the slower growing ones can catch up.. They've actually just recently been surging in growth.
