First timer.


Hey guys.

New to the forum here.

Ive been considering a grow for a while now and Ive decided to go the easier/cheaper route by building a cabinet.

I just need a little input
I want to grow 2 plants in soil.
For lighting I want to use CFL bulbs
After skimming some threads the dimensions Ive come up with are 4x4x7.5

What should I use for ventilation? and Im considering using the CO2 ExHale bags has anyone used them before?

Thank you


Active Member
i wouldnt be too concerned about co2 for 2 plants just get a couple descent small fans or 1 nice inline one off ebay and just use that as an exhaust and cut a hole for intake

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
I followed that link and for $24 I bet it is a bag u breath into and tape above your plants. Who sells a product with no picture or discription of the device.


Read a thread on the CO2 figured its cheap and wouldnt hurt to throw it in. Seeing that CO2 systems increase yield.

Can I use computer fans?

Thank you


Well-Known Member
Ok, here is the deal legit. If you want to do it right, there is a fuck load of variables to deal with. You have to decide on a few things first, then people can give you some concrete advice.

Example... Will computer fans work? Ummm, for what? What the hell are you trying to cool? You could grow some NICE buds in a 4x4x7 space with a 400 or 600 watt HID light. Like the dank shit and lots of it. But your going to need to have some serious equipment investments.

A word to the wise on CO2, you can't just dump some co2 in a room and expect it to help. There are a number of variables at play and your plants need specific conditions to properly take advantage of the higher PPM of co2. Spend your energy learning how to diagnose plants and provide a healthy, STABLE environment for them. That Co2 in a bottle, dry ice, and just releasing co2 from a tank willy nilly is a bunch of horse shit. You need to outlay about $600-700 to do CO2 properly.

I don't want to offend those that practice those techniques but from a practical stand point, your ROI on Co2 is going to be quite low unless you "do it properly". Ask those that have tried BOTH ways and they will tell you the same thing.


Would computer fans work for intake and exhaust fans?

If I build a 4x4x7.5 cabinet what would one of you fill it with to grow some dank?
Im on a limited budget which is why I'm considering CFL and cheaper computer fans.
Im also trying to keep energy usage to a minimum.