First timer...


Active Member
Whats up everyone, first time grower... I'm growin two plants, not sure of strains or sex yet either. My setup is just in the kitchen window, sunlight and moonlight basically. I'm using some MiracleGro moisture soil and some plant nutrient sticks. I'll put some pics of my plants up in a couple days to hear what you all have to say about them. Please don't bash me, I didn't have the resources or money to make an indoor box or anything like that. I just figured since it's been growin like this for who knows how long that it should be fine for a personal stash.

I had a question though, I had my buddy check my plants out and she said that because some of my leaves had an odd number of limbs it was a male?? IDK


Well-Known Member
never heard of that one....I think it is wise to wait until the plant shows its sex around the 4th to sixth week


Well-Known Member
Only way you can tell is its male or female is too check if it has pistils (pretty sure thats what there called). I dont think it will develop any bud from that much light...and it would be unsmokable anyways. If your really broke just get a cardboard box and some CFL's...There like $3 a light.


Well-Known Member
as ong as your plant is getting more than 6 hours of direct sunlight you will have a nice little window grow....the only way to tell sex is by the flower or pollen sacks that it will cant tell sex by number of leaves or spacing of branches or anything like that....its all in the genitals


Well-Known Member
you can use anything for the grow stage, it's a weed, it'll grow fine in a window, the ground etc. Once you move to the flowering stage (they will start to show their sex when the days get shorter) I'd definatly recommend the box with some CFLs. It will be too big to flower on the window ledge, and you probably won't get much bud with just sunlight.


Active Member
Some pics i took today. couldn't get any close up ones of the little "budletts" beginning to sprout. my big plant is around a 5 weeks and the little one around 3 weeks

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Well-Known Member
stretched a bit ain't it.good luck dude.often wondered how growing on the sill would end up.
agree with artificial for flowering tho bro.and plenty of it.
am watching :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
unless is't getting atleast 12 hours darkness, it won't flower bro and u can't tell what sex it is until it does.


Active Member
So my plant is around 10 weeks and I'm starting to get my second sets of leaves. I took them from the window sill and moved them to under the sink with a light bar. My little plant has decided to give up so fuck that one.
