First Upgraded grow room...Advice?


Well-Known Member
My first post, so if I piss someone off I apologize.

For my VERY first grow, I just cobbled together a small "closet" about 3x2 feet with a 7 foot height. I can see that I'm going to quickly outgrow (sorry for the pun) the current set up, which I just use a regular-sized cooler with 6 net pots in a Bubbleponic/DWC. I've got a nice strain of Black Jack from Nirvana that's been growing pretty well, plus two from bagseed that may be male (if so there's about to be a bunch more room in there!)

I'm planning my new set up and would like advice from experienced indoor growers. The area is about 9'x3'x9' tall. I've got it designed to be divided into a large-ish flowering compartment, a smaller vegging compartment, and an even smaller clone compartment on top of the veg. There is PVC piping built into the frame that terminates in barb hose-fittings so I can just plug in my DWC drains and using an inline shut-off valve I can drain them directly into my sump pit. There's also a water spigot that runs off the house main, which is situated to the left of the front of the closet.

I've been using CFLs with good success and have no plans on switching to the more power hungry lights at present, so please refrain from telling me I need to MH and HPS lights. Since I'm using low-heat lights I'm planning on just a 6-inch inline duct fan on top (with hinged access doors to get to it as needed) with one inlet from the clone/veg compartments and another from the flowering compartment. The inlet from the lowering compartment is planned to have a carbon filter on it for the smell there. I really didn't notice any smell during veg with these plants, which is why I'm only planning on filtering the flower area.

I realize the FRONT of the closet looks open in the drawings, but I'm just too lazy to create plantation blinds in Sketchup. I'll mount those to the 2x4 frame right flush against the front trim and use those as my "doors". I live alone and don't have many guests (especially in my basement) so this will make access much easier for me in a more confined space since I won't have to worry about regular doors swinging out in the way.

I'm attempting to upload a video of this for those of you that appreciate such. If it works hopefully it's visible here.[video=youtube_share;Jt5k5I2vkJo][/video]

I don't plan on going any larger with this design for two reasons. One being the location of the mainline water spigot to the left of the closet, plus the sump pit in front of it. I'm thinking this should allow me to keep plants going pretty much continuously with the separate compartments, albeit no more than 6 or so at a time.

I welcome all constructive advice!


Well-Known Member
Amazing first post dude. You got some skills there. Welcome to RIU.

I haven't really had time to consider your plans in depth but I did see you plan on using 'plantation blinds'. Just thought I would comment that 'plantation blinds' are rarely lightproof. Every set I have ever seen allows plenty of light to bleed through the louvers.

Maybe this is'nt an issue for you anyhow. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Moebius. The light isn't really an issue for me since this is in a closed-off, unfinished part of my basement. It's easy to control the rest of the light in that area (just a few LEDs from my server), so it shouldn't be an issue. The blinds are more to keep the two sides good and separate. Since light tends to travel in a straight line, light from the veg area shouldn't be able to get into the grow area.

I should mention that I intend to caulk and paint (bright white) the insides of each compartment. This will prevent light bleed-through from one compartment to the other.


Well-Known Member
No one else has any advice for me? I find it hard to believe that I got it perfect the first time, but if that's the consensus by exclusion I'll just start referring to myself as "almighty" LOL