Fish bone meal tea

Used my fish bone meal tea for the first time today (6-12-0) I had no idea it would stink that bad.......smells like a dead rotting fish had sex with baby shit and then that horrid creature died and rotted in the Florida all organic nutes smell so foul?


Well-Known Member
I don't notice odor much using the roots organic buddha shit in a bottle lineup but when I mix some up the little doggie sure comes running.


Well-Known Member
Mostly it's just the fish stuff that smells, but anything from the sea will have some sort of oh dear.

I used fish once years ago, indoors. My wife said never again and since she has her own CCW, I've found less fragrant organic nutes.



Well-Known Member
Oh yeah meals stink, quanos too and so does bone char. Have any pics of the ladies? Heres one of my girls. 20130907_213804.jpg