Fish flour


Active Member
I use botanicare pro bloom, sweet and karma and am in my 5th week of flowering.
I have yellowing on 3 plants, couple older leaves and now some yellowing new growth around the bud area.

My ph was in between 5.8 to 6.4 and now i brought it down to 5.5 and will try to keep it there.

I am pretty sure it is a zinc problem, so i went to store and the guy give me fish flour and i also got microblast.

I am using 2 tsp. per gallon on 6in. rock-wool cubes with my ebb and flood system. and i am putting it directly on the cubes...

I also sprayed microblast on the leaves..

My question is, Is this OK being that it is in my 5th week of flowering????



Well-Known Member
Its normal for the lower leaves to turn yellow. Most fertilizers have all the micro nutes in it. I would think that its a nitrogen def which is normal.


Active Member
Yea, That is what i thought at first,but the fish flour did not work, so i used microblast for the zinc... I will soon see....
