
That looks so good... I've got muscadines running out of ears so I'm going to show the wife your recipe tonight and maybe just maybe I'll give a try.
You won't be disappointed. We have one tiny slice left, and if it wasn't for my slipping memory I would have ate it at lunch.
Made a peach pie from the last of the fresh peaches from my tree.


Some Thai condiments made using Thai chilies from the garden. They are great on rice and other things. The one on the left is Prik Namsom and has garlic, fish sauce, a little sugar, and rice vinegar. It's traditionally made with lime juice but I didn't have any limes so I used vinegar. The one on the right is Prik Dong and is just Thai chilies and rice vinegar. They both last for quite awhile in the refrigerator.

Some Thai condiments made using Thai chilies from the garden. They are great on rice and other things. The one on the left is Prik Namsom and has garlic, fish sauce, a little sugar, and rice vinegar. It's traditionally made with lime juice but I didn't have any limes so I used vinegar. The one on the right is Prik Dong and is just Thai chilies and rice vinegar. They both last for quite awhile in the refrigerator.

Wow. That looks delicious.
I haven't grown any peppers for a few years now but I think this spring will be the year I plant some ... I inherited some awesome seeds the other day from a top nursery in our area I will have confirm the types before committing but when I do I'll share the info and get your guys feedback.
Wow. That looks delicious.
I haven't grown any peppers for a few years now but I think this spring will be the year I plant some ... I inherited some awesome seeds the other day from a top nursery in our area I will have confirm the types before committing but when I do I'll share the info and get your guys feedback.
There are a few pepper heads around here, that is for sure.
There are a few pepper heads around here, that is for sure.
Last time I grow peppers with much success my son was in high school and was in charge of the green house so when school let out for summer he brought home all the plants, I had sauce for at least 8 years and ever since he has been making sauce and giving us plenty, he is pretty good at growing a few things....peppers and sweet potatoes mostly.
That looks great. I've picked one cherry tomato so far. And there is a pepper close to ready. Way behind on everything else.

I'm a week out from eating radishes and the lettuce should be ready in about ten days. Tomatoes and peppers wont go into the ground until around the end of May.
Everything for this salad came from the garden. Red leaf lettuce, carrots, radishes, onion tops, and the purple flowers are chive blossoms. They're delicious. I'm topping it with a sesame ginger dressing made from scratch. Homemade potstickers with pork filling and Pad Thai for the rest of the dinner. Food is KING!

Everything for this salad came from the garden. Red leaf lettuce, carrots, radishes, onion tops, and the purple flowers are chive blossoms. They're delicious. I'm topping it with a sesame ginger dressing made from scratch. Homemade potstickers with pork filling and Pad Thai for the rest of the dinner. Food is KING!

That looks good. I'm having trouble buying a good salad.

We did eat peas out of the freezer last week, so that would have qualified for this thread.
That looks good. I'm having trouble buying a good salad.

We did eat peas out of the freezer last week, so that would have qualified for this thread.

It was delicious. Those chive blossoms seal the deal. I did make a sesame ginger dressing and my lady went nuts. She gave me a double thumbs up and said it was an 11 out of ten. So I hit a home run with bases loaded. All is good when you keep the lady happy. And my doggy is in full recovery. Covid can kiss my ass. We're going to keep on living. :bigjoint:

I wish you and yours good days. :peace:
Gat Kimchi aka Mustard Green Kimchi. Full of garlic, ginger, and red pepper. It's a great food for the body.

This is my favorite kimchi by far. I've been making kimchi for decades but with Chinese cabbage or daikon radish. This brings it to another level as you add the bitterness of the mustard greens into the picture. It's delicious. I made 2 different jars. One is just the small mustard green plants 10 - 12 inches tall and the other is the larger leaves cut into pieces and mixed with turnips. I have my own kimchi paste that I make.

Things from the garden were the mustard greens, garlic, onion, and turnips. I fermented on the counter for 4 days and then put into the refrigerator. It's spicy, salty, a slight bitterness, and just a hint of fermentation. I don't like it too sour so I'll need to eat it up within a couple weeks. If any is left after that I make Kimchi Jjigae. A Korean kimchi stew. I crave that stuff.

Gat Kimchi aka Mustard Green Kimchi. Full of garlic, ginger, and red pepper. It's a great food for the body.

This is my favorite kimchi by far. I've been making kimchi for decades but with Chinese cabbage or daikon radish. This brings it to another level as you add the bitterness of the mustard greens into the picture. It's delicious. I made 2 different jars. One is just the small mustard green plants 10 - 12 inches tall and the other is the larger leaves cut into pieces and mixed with turnips. I have my own kimchi paste that I make.

Things from the garden were the mustard greens, garlic, onion, and turnips. I fermented on the counter for 4 days and then put into the refrigerator. It's spicy, salty, a slight bitterness, and just a hint of fermentation. I don't like it too sour so I'll need to eat it up within a couple weeks. If any is left after that I make Kimchi Jjigae. A Korean kimchi stew. I crave that stuff.

Greens look good. We ate our first really good looking purple tomato at lunch today. (the first few split) On chicken sandwiches. Not sure what strain it is. Cousin sent the plant to me. Purple Heirloom was all the info that came with it.

This was a couple three weeks ago.

Greens look good. We ate our first really good looking purple tomato at lunch today. (the first few split) On chicken sandwiches. Not sure what strain it is. Cousin sent the plant to me. Purple Heirloom was all the info that came with it.

This was a couple three weeks ago.

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Your tomatoes are way ahead of mine. Mine are just now starting to set fruit.
Your tomatoes are way ahead of mine. Mine are just now starting to set fruit.
I've got another round of tomato plants about 6" tall that needs transplanting. We had about a week and a half of rain, and it did a number on the tomatoes and most of the viney stuff.