Flood and Drain Question


Well-Known Member
So my house runs on well water and Ph's at 7. Unfortunately it has more minerals than regular city water. After about a month I noticed my soil plants were showing signs of nute burn despite using next to no nutes. The soil had devloped a mineral salts build up from the water. My question is, would this be an issue with a flood and drain with clay pellets.? I only wonder because with soil the salts and minerals obviously get trapped, but may not with a flood and drain, any input or advice would be greatly appreciated. Ty.


Well-Known Member
I don't use clay pellets for the exact same reason. I believe the clay pellets get clogged fairly quickly with salts.
I use a diatomite medium instead. Diatomite is rocks that have been taken up from the bed of lakes. They are more porous and hold more oxygen.
If you don't have a TDS meter already, get one...This will help tremendously.
Plus, you should be changing out your resevoir once a week with fresh nutrient.