floresent? or what?!


Well-Known Member
I use flouro's and Cfl's which in return is good for the veg state. Alot of guys like to bump the wattage up when they flower. If you threw the seed right into the dirt give it a week for it to pop it's head up. But beware some won't come up. The paper towel method works best for me i believe.



Well-Known Member
high pressure sodium and metal halide are technically the best you can get. but for economic reasons CFLs make good choices. my seeds usually spout in 1 day then poke their heads out of the soil in 2 days for a total of 3. yours might be slower however, so dont worry


Active Member
But beware some won't come up. The paper towel method works best for me i believe.


thanks Hank but what is the "paper towel method" ?? im sorta new at this and also, i planted my seeds about between 2 and 2 1/2 inches deep and the soil i used seems a little to thick, maybe even to hard or solid. the soil i used was miracle grow "gardening soil" and on the back of the package it had a picture of a pot with an X through it... i figured it was for the sake of the company so i ignored it... i was wondering if it would disable the grow. i then bought some "potting soil" also from miracle grow and was wondering if i should make a transplant or something asap before its to late...THANKS!!!