Florida Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
yea rock crawlers. i never realy got into buggys. i guess they are just a mix of car and truck. i always had one or the other. almost any of the new trucks you get are real tough and cand withstand alot. i dont think i ever had my gears go out on me. i just blew the engine cuz i ran my truck for ever without an exhaust pipe and thats not good and its loud. but had fun blew it up sold it and got the drifter.

i could drop my tmaxx from over my head and it wouldnt bottom out.and im 6'2''


Well-Known Member
yea the tires are actualy black abs or pvc. you can drift with rubber but it needs alot of power and a polished concrete.
thats cool u can do that with the tmaxx. my monster gt didnt have that great of shocks on it so it totaly bottomed out from droping it from like 2 feet up. have u driven the revo yet? im tryin to debate on gettin the tmaxx or spendin a lil extra and gettin a revo. from the rc car action mag. that had the tmaxx vs. the revo it seemed like the revo wasnt realy that much extremely better of a truck.


New Member
How much does it cost to rent a boast house or a cheap house in south florida?

and what kind of job can I get there? I would be an an illegal alien I am canadian and a hard worker unlike the mexicans.


Well-Known Member
yea the tires are actualy black abs or pvc. you can drift with rubber but it needs alot of power and a polished concrete.
thats cool u can do that with the tmaxx. my monster gt didnt have that great of shocks on it so it totaly bottomed out from droping it from like 2 feet up. have u driven the revo yet? im tryin to debate on gettin the tmaxx or spendin a lil extra and gettin a revo. from the rc car action mag. that had the tmaxx vs. the revo it seemed like the revo wasnt realy that much extremely better of a truck.

the revo is badass and its a little taller.idd get the revo.nitro is to expensive though.thats why i like the summit its electric.


Well-Known Member
Great more illegals contributing to drugs.

Haha. well in the Tampa/St Pete Area, you can rent 3 bed homes avg. 1200sq for $950-1250/month. Go a bit north like LandoLakes area. you can find 3,000sq homes for $1500-2225/month.

Jobs. HAHAHAHAHAHA your on your own. Employment in FL, is an Oxymoron.
hey the mexicans here can pick a shit load of strawberries in a day.

How much does it cost to rent a boast house or a cheap house in south florida?

and what kind of job can I get there? I would be an an illegal alien I am canadian and a hard worker unlike the mexicans.


Well-Known Member
there's work if you can prove you'll be an asset to the team. i'm a chef at a high end place and i have no problemo gettin work


Well-Known Member
That will be the day that a Canadian can out work a Mexican, just so you know you come off pretty ignorant with comments like that, Americans beef with the Mexicans is that they take away jobs from Americans by offering Excellent labor at low pay not by being lazy and unwilling to work, they also work on days we consider national holidays making them more preferable for companies that run 24/7 365 days. And frankly I don't give a rats ass where you come from keep your Illegal ass out of our country we don't need or want you hear, especially in here in Florida with All the Illegal Haitians and Cuban's that wash up on our shores Daily. This Forum is for Florida growers not for Immigrants trying to land a job before even getting through the border.


New Member
LOL at you ignorants... get of my continent!

I am 100% north american I got 10 thousand plus years of america blood in me!

you are all just jealous of the canadian's :)

scared we'll steal your dish washing jobs lol.


Well-Known Member
hahahaha just cuz ur on the same continent dont make anything right. if you want to be in america so bad come in legaly. fuck you and anything you think or want to think or any job you could possibly want in america if you an illegal. come here legaly and i would treat you like any other but u come here illegaly and i will want to shoot you in the face. and jelous of the canadians. hahaha if americans were jelous of the canadians then y wouldnt we be migrating there instead of staying comfy here in america. stay in canada i already have a hard enough time finding a job without more of you ppl.
and +rep to you justtrying


Well-Known Member
Wonder why every one flocks here, Other countries, want to be us and your coming here to work. Your probably just a pus that can handle the cold. make sense why your interest is in FL.
.... + to THE Americans.


Well-Known Member
LOL at you ignorants... get of my continent!

I am 100% north american I got 10 thousand plus years of america blood in me!

you are all just jealous of the canadian's :)

scared we'll steal your dish washing jobs lol.

half my family is native american.theyve been here longer eh


Well-Known Member
hells yeah 904 rep! my fiance's brother married a canuck whore who actually said in her wedding vows that she couldn't get her green card without him. her family was a bunch of rude ass woods people, and then 2 weeks after she got her green card, she left him for a black man. (her best friend's baby's daddy) i'm not racist or anything, but that's fucked up. she used the guy to pay for her master's degree and get her her green card, and then leaves him. and that family was loaded! they had just bought her a new car but that wasn't good enough. needless to say, ins got a call from a few people. did you know you get a tshirt if you get an alien deported? :D


Well-Known Member
not all mexicans work hard i picked up like 6 of those fuckers to trim down some trees in my backyard and when i went to see how things were going they were sleeping.


Well-Known Member
and besides, canadiens are pretty dumb, they spelled their country name with only 3 letters...c, eh? n, eh? d, eh?


Well-Known Member

.. any one see the american racist? one where he picks up like 8 of them to build a deck? then ends up going straight to the INS building