Flourescent Sunrise: A CFL / HPS Adventure


Well-Known Member
Todays Overview
  • A. NUTRIENTS USED - Will be feeding at 7:00 when lights on
  • B. PH - 6.5
  • C. MEDIUM - B'cuzz hydromix hp
  • E. LIGHT CYCLE - flowering
  • F. WATERING - None
  • G. GROWTH NOTES - everything is growing at an alarming rate. later on im going to take pics and show a side by side comparison of them about 10 days ago and now.. i think ive had to move the light up about 14-18 inches or so.. i will get a better idea when the lights come on and i can get in there to take pics..
i will have updated photos of the flowering room later tonight. for now im just going to take pics of the next round to go in.. one of them seemed to shoot up overnight and was curled up pretty bad when i got home from work because it had been right up against the CFL for who knows how long.. so i decided to tie it down so the other plants could catch up.. this proved to be difficult because these clones have such thick stalks so early.. i had to basically pinch the stalk with one hand and bend it over with the other to tie it down.. it was looking pretty dry from the exposure to the bulb surface so i gave it a nice healthy mist and left it alone.. in the morning (right now) i checked on it and it bounced back up.. all the leaf sets are now facing the light ready for some energy.. you will see only 3 plants left in the veg chamber.. i originally took 5 clones 4 from the big bang and 1 from the bag seed.. the one bag seed turned out male so it along with the clone was canned.. and the other clone i took is in flowering with the rest.. that leaves me with these three girls.. *(and a whole army of week old lil cuttings ) heres the pics..

heres the one that was burnt by the bulb contact

this one is looking real healthy.. but its the shortest one of the 3

and the last one.. has a bit of burn.. not sure from what.. no
t too worried about it tho.. im sure itll grow out of it. like the first ones did



Well-Known Member
looking good!!! the burn on the last one is prolly heat as beth has gotten bigger she is real bitchy about how close the light is she use to be cool w/ 5inches from the longest tip but now its more like 8 inches or more...she is a fatty like your girls so I dont reallly have to worry w/ stretching and the light being so far away.


Well-Known Member
yeah im thinkin its something more along the lines of a mild nutrient deficiency.. reason i think that is because the minor burn is on the lower leaf tips ( they are curled upward and browning) u can see it iin the second to last pic


Well-Known Member
ok.. well.. ive got lots of pics today.. as well as a video.. forgive me for the 10 seconds of darkness at the begining of the vid.. i dont know how to edit them yet and i opened the door a couple seconds early (thought i had it timed to the second.. guessed wrong ) anyway, any comments are welcome..

heres the side by side of how much ive had to raise the light..

before now

and im only about 11 days into flowering...

heres some more misc pics taken just moments ago..



Well-Known Member
I love how your growing in a washing machine, and even better a FREE washing machine. Nothing better then free stuff especially since your grow is looking so good too.


Well-Known Member
ok ok.. i got lazy yesterday and didnt feel like taking pics because i had to feed them and all.. so i have a couple now and i will be adding more when the lights come on later tonight...


Todays Overview
  • A. NUTRIENTS USED - Fed Yesterday
  • B. PH - 6.5
  • C. MEDIUM - B'cuzz hydromix hp
  • E. LIGHT CYCLE - flowering
  • F. WATERING - None
  • G. GROWTH NOTES - Today marks the end of the second week in flowering.. they are begining to slow down on their vertical growth.. hopefully they will be done getting taller in the next 2 weeks..


first off let me start with the youngins.. yesterday when i opened their chamber i took the smallest/healthiest looking one out to water it and i noticed a strange bug.. beetle type bug.. i dont know what the hell it is but i took it out anyway.. ZAP.. theres some pics below


here they are at 14 days

here they are while being fed

heres some pics of the beggining of the bud



Well-Known Member
its not a spider.. its some sort of a beetle or some shit.. it got roasted.. it looked like a fuckin miniature cow