Flourscent Closet grow


Well-Known Member
So you got only 2 females? out of 6? bummer, I thought you said your friend let you use his hps? I would use that for flowering, the t5's were a much better choice for veg, but hps I think will do better for flowering, unless you can get those 3000k, even then I think hps would be better, and if its only 2 plants, you should get awesome results.

Good grow so far man : )


Well-Known Member
Well I choped the two males/ Hermies today. They were most def. hermies. now I am left to pour my love over. They are two females little white hars on top and no balls! Here are some pics I took today of the Hermies and females.

#1 hermie

#2 Male

Root balls of the departed nice and healthy



Well-Known Member
I've seen the term hermie before but I'm not quite sure what implications it has. I see that you got rid of them but they aren't males, so what's up?


Well-Known Member
"Hermie" a short form for "hermaphrotidite" Its has both female and male sex organs. no good for me!! it will pollinate all my females BOOOOO


Well-Known Member
so it plays the role of a male, why not just call it a male?
No it doesn't just play the role of a male as it produces seeds and males cannot do that. All the males can do is produce pollen to pollinate the females. Therefore as this is a hermaphrodite it can self pollinate meaning the seeds produced shud be the same genetics as the hermie as only 1 plants genes have been used


Well-Known Member
I cut off some of the lower sucker branches on one of the plants. I put them in water to see if they will root. if so Then I will have a couple of clones. Another thing is that on one of my plant the leaves are curling and kinda flipping over. I think it might be a Magnisum def. I will feed them some epson salts next watering


Well-Known Member
My one plant is looking pretty rough I think its either too much nutes or a magnisum def. I feel so bad the leave are curling under and some of them are almost flipping. its also pretty droopy. I will water with plain water and a litlle Epson salt if it is a mag. def. I hope they bounce back. But they have put on wieght and the little hairs are increasing everyday. They are actually turning a little pink. I dont have a cam right now so I will post some picks on tues or wed


Well-Known Member
hey mattso!
be patient with the clones, if your doing it in water without any rooting hormone, make sure you keep the water fresh by changing every 2 or 3 days or else a lot of bacteria will build up and eventually kill the clone.

Also you wanna make sure very little light gets to the part where roots are to be formed.

Before you see roots the leaves will get larger and larger even tho there is no root system.

besides that its still the typical stuff (ie. low power light, spray everyday, humidity dome etc..)

good luck and hopefully when you get some pix we can help ya with the problems you say you're having

edit: oh yea almost forgot the stems of the clones will curve a little also, this is a good sign, just give it about a week or two and roots will spring from the bottom then U can transplant


Well-Known Member
I am doin just the water cloning. No hormones or anything. They still look good. I actualling have them under a dome in my front window south facining. hope they work out if not no loss! if so plenty of gain!!


Active Member
hey totally hoping the droopage and negatively growing leaves all get fixed. wish you the best.



Well-Known Member
My one plant is looking pretty rough I think its either too much nutes or a magnisum def. I feel so bad the leave are curling under and some of them are almost flipping. its also pretty droopy.
check your temp at that particular plant and leaves sometimes leaves curl if they get too hot.


Well-Known Member
My leaves are yellowing it started with the larger older fan leaves and is moving up the plant but the new groth is still nice and green.


Well-Known Member
even though the plants are not looking so great, They are flowering pretty well. Lots of bud sites and pink/purple hairs. cool. I also started germing 7 more Narpal seeds, no more fucking around


Well-Known Member
The plant have finnally dried out enough for another watering so I flushed them with 4 liters of water each. hope this helps soon. I am sad to see more leave get spotty and yellow shou;d have some pics in the next couple days