Flower Box


Well-Known Member
I'm using a walmart pantry cabinet. I have attached a picture of how I want to use my lights. I will be using CFL lights connected to those 3 way connecters. Is this safe? What kind of DIY hood/ reflector hood to help aim the light down? Also will a PC fan for intake and pc fan for exhaust + 1 little fan for air be enough for CFLs in a pantry cab?

So can I go powerbar -> extension cord -> powerbar -> CFL plug + CFL 3 way splitter + CFLs ?

Any suggestions please?



Well-Known Member

Stop fuckin around those gay ass micro grows and cfl bullshit. Complete waste of time. If you want efficient lighting you should use t5 instead. Your about to waste a lot of time on a personal sac of crap weed.

*I just had to..


Well-Known Member

Stop fuckin around those gay ass micro grows and cfl bullshit. Complete waste of time. If you want efficient lighting you should use t5 instead. Your about to waste a lot of time on a personal sac of crap weed.

*I just had to..
WOW, REALLY? Chill out man, the dude's just asking for advice, I just don't understand the point of being rude and crass, I mean if your not trying to help the guy why post in HIS THREAD?????? If you don't agree with it either be constructively critical or mind your own business and move the fuck on.
Xoshua when you get on any forum always remember to put on your shit filter because I assure you that's not the last BS post your going to see. Oh and by the way, yes you can grow some very decent smoke with CFL's, you just need a lot of them, the right spectrum (6500k for veg, 2700k for flowering) and keep them very close to the plants (1-3"). Now understand that even if you fill your cab with CFL's it won't produce anything like what a HID will, however there are A LOT of people on here and all over the world for that matter who are VERY HAPPY with their CFL grows, some even prefer them to HID so they must be doing something right. So if you can afford HID lighting by all means do, however if CFL's are your only option then just do research on the best way to use them, check out the "Buds for Less" CFL growing book here: (---->BUDS 4 LESS<----)


Well-Known Member
Heh thank you SativaMe. Yes, I'm using CFL's for my second cab here because heat and fire makes me nervous... I don't have enough knowledge with electricity and vents or I would. Actually, to be honest, I wanted to make the perfect CFL build and eventually get a HID or 1000W bulb.

I don't want to rush this by any means but if you search my Northern Lights post, I don't have much time for the plants. I really wanted to cut the cab with computer fans and cfls and than go to led and upgrade the fans and such. I also plan to eventually go DWC so basically... I want to have this a cfl/basic box with the future of upgrading it eventually. I know a lot of people make cool tubes so I didn't want to cut holes into the spots of the future equipment spots. So should I use 2 exhaust pc fans and 1 intake pc fan or 2 intake and 1 exhaust or 2 and 2? I'll also buy a portable fan for inside facing towards exhaust, building a DIY carbon filter too.

I've been searching this forum AND google for the best setup but honestly I see two options. I can either go cheap with cfl+ pc fans OR go all out with HTG vents/fans/etc. Personally I wanted to build all my own stuff instead of purchasing online. I'm going to home depot tomorrow, would anyone have atleast a list under $100.00 for fans/vent/which wire approach to go for safe and anything else needed.

I have the PH test, I have 2 extension cords, 2 powerbars from veg cab, cfls, plants, soil, activated carbon in those little pellets, timer. If I wanted to eventually upgrade to DWC and better lights, would I be able to still use this cab though?


Well-Known Member
Ya I know what I was doin sativeme. It's called tough love. If someone didn't rile you up right now you would have grown with cfl bulbs and wasted your time makin a dingy looking scrog at very best. Since your planning on buying from htg, why not pick up a t5 fixture and get a decent light spectrum and intensity to grow a little smoke to brag about?

And no sativame. Cfl's are and always will be a terrible method of lighting and a waste of time period. I strongly discourage anyone who plans on using them unless they say Feliz on them and plug into a mogul socket