Flowering Early.....


Well-Known Member
Quick Question. I read that plants wont Re-Veg Until light is around 15 or so hours of light. Well I Vegged 5 plants indoors for 2 months and put them out March 25th. They are all showing sex already and lucky enough they are all female. With these ladies produce or re-veg? What do you think my best options are? All five plants are roughly 22in tall bushy shrubs and have been topped many times.. So by no means are they big plants.. I was hoping they were going to continue to veg since the light cycle here is getting longer so I could have had monsters by Sep.. Any Ideas? Thanks:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Just because they are showing their sex now being exposed to the natural environment does not mean they've begun to flower. Mature plants in veg can show sex eventually. I believe your plants will continue to veg outside and become the monsters you are hoping for, as long as they are given the water they need. Are you in containers still, or did you go into the ground?

It's not that they need 15 hours of light to remain in veg, it's that they need less than 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness to prevent flowering.

This is why the 12 hours on, 5.5 hours off, 1 hour on, 5.5 hours off vegetative schedule works while keeping your plants in the vegetative cycle with only 13 hours of light.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately they're in containers still (Roots Organics bags). If I were back in Michigan these ladies would be in the ground but the native soil where I'm at in Florida is pretty sandy.. Thanks for the input!!


Well-Known Member
They will re-veg, however you may not see signs of growth for a couple weeks due to some stress to the plant.


Well-Known Member
Maybe in N. Florida they will reveg, but here in the South, if they are indica dominant they will flower. I had a Sativa reveg last year when I set it out in April, but all my indicas flowered out. You could be as far as 500 miles from me though. I'm sure that makes a difference.