Flowering Female! pics


Well-Known Member
So far, so good. things are lookin great on her, its been only 5 days since she showed sex. looking nice i think. Im just wondering how long till i see some nice buds on there? not lookin to pinch any off early, but being my first successful grow, im just curious as to how long.
no rush




Active Member
depending on strain and when you start flowering i would say 3rd-5th week into flowering and depending on what light and how much light youll have some nice lookin buds


Well-Known Member
my bad for the wait, i'm using 5 cfl's. one on top, the others surrounding because the grow space is open, no need in this one to have it in a box.


Well-Known Member
yeah, at least i can see progress though. the bud sites are all poppin up. initially i thought this was going to be a stealth grow so i topped her. now the plant's main stem is about 9 inches high and then splits into a V. looks like i have 2 plants now! the top of each V looks like its own plant. i think it's nice. it's lovin the nutes. everything looks good, all lush green leaves, no curling, no discolor.:mrgreen: ill post some more progress pics later today!