Flowering Help

So my plant is into flowering bout 3 weeks i guess mayb a month. It has bud sites and the pistals between the stock and branches. All the pistals are brown and some of the hairs on the bud are brown 2. Its a 5.5foot Northern light.

ITs in a really bad spot and only gets 7 hours of light per day. I use a cheap plant food furt.

is there somthing i can do to increase the yeild:)

thanks for help


Active Member
gotta get her some more sun ,,cut some branches off whatever is blocking the sun or do what you can to let the sun in on her..should make a whack of difference..And ive seen some big plants that never had a taste of fert,so your cheap fert should be helping her(mabey not much but is helping),,unless your giving to much..
plus the trees cover my little area so no people can even tell its there

wat would a plant look like with to much furts?


Active Member
well ,,your plant needs alot of good sunlight to grow properly and to have good yeilds...im currently using molases with my fert and it has seemed to have made a decent difference in the buds,,im adding 1 teaspoon per gallon rite now along with my bloom fert at 15-30-15...mabey try something like that if you cant get her more sun..and you can read up on over ferting if you want ,,i havent had any issues with over ferting so i wouldnt want to steer you wrong there,,but always try going a little under what it reccommends for the fert ,,just to make sure.


Active Member
can take a look at my profile later ,,i have pics of my molases expierarment and i am going to take some updated ones here shortly,,,the molases semmed to of make the buds swell up almost,,looks good..