Flowering Issue

So I switched my plants into flower about a week ago and the main growing tip on just about all my plants has started to turn pretty much lemon yellow. The rest of the plants doesn't seem affected. I fed them this morning with a lil extra floragrow to see if that helps, but I was wondering if neone had this problem before and if they found out what caused it. Thanks everyone in advance.
A little bit more information might encourage someone here with some time on their hands to help me out. This is my 2nd grow with the setup. Im running...
....1 gallon hempy buckets (1G water jugs with top cut off, painted black)
....1000W HPS w/Air cooled hood
....6" Inline fan (for exhaust and bulb coolage)
....6" Carbon Filter to match
....Strains: Blue Mystic and Super Skunk from Nirvana (fem)
....Using GH FloraNova series and following their simple drain-to-waste program on their site
sidenote: also adding 1mL Floralicious+, 15mL of Humbolt's Ginormous Bloom Enhancer, and 1-2mL of Cal Max

So I start out my seeds with the old papertowel method, transfer germinated seeds (8 out of ten) to rockwool cubes, then transfer to jugs containing 100% perlite. I didn't really see any issues until about a week before i switched them to 12/12, so i know that the switch isn't the issue. pH is sitting at around 6.5 so im pretty sure its also not lockout. And now they've been in flower since the 25 of april and have only now started to show ne signs of flowering, which are completely yellow, not dead looking, but bright-ass yellow. This did not happen to me last go around and to be honest, its making me quite a bit salty. <---- Angry Face If anybody has any ideas about what im doing wrong, shout em out. Maybe something im missing or overdueing with my fertilizing, which reminds me that i meant to say before that they are fed on a schedule of fert, fert, fert, then water, with two days rest in between. Whats the verdict? Thanks!!


Well-Known Member
You need to increase your nutrient regiment. Also your plants are in 100% perlite which means they need to be feed every hour or two to keeps the roots from drying out. There should not be any days that you do not fert your plants. It sounds like you have serious deficiencies.


Well-Known Member
yellowing usually means nitrogen deficiency, i continue with my grow/veg nutes all the way thru my grow but at a reduced level in order to keep my leaves green but i'm in soil so i dont know shit about hempy buckets mate
well i know they dont need to be watered every hour, or even everyday. it takes some time for the roots at the bottom of the bucket to absorb the nutes... next run i am going to include some vermiculite into my mix to keep my medium moist.... i will start include more grow fertilizer into my poop juice tho and just keep my fingers crossed... thanks for your helps guys!


Active Member
hey buddy.

are your plants wilting also?

what is your temp/humidity at, day and night?

do you have fans blowing on or near the plants?

maybe you're opposed to raw organics, but you can add things like Seabird Guano (10-10-2) and Indonesian Bat Guano (0.5-10-0.5) for a quick but sustained boost of non-burning, non-salting fertilizer. the reason I suggest these is because they will also help to build a sort of 'soil' to help hold water, while also feeding your deficient plants.

you can also dissolve some sterile (sun-bleached) peat moss in water, like a handful per quart, once or twice ONLY, to help hold water.

are you using any sort of enzyme or rhizome or rooting/vitamin product?

in my humble opinion, your girls would LOVE a top dressing of sterilized vermiculite to decrease evaporation, and something like superthrive or hormex to help their roots get down, since you said it takes a while for the water to be pulled up by the plants.