Flowering Nutes Question!!


Active Member
Hey Guys! On 2nd week of Flowering my first ever grow,CFL, Nirvana White Widow....all good so far and its a confirmed female...can i continue to use my 7:7:7 feed (between a half and quarter dosage) throughout flowering, i live in a small town and so good nutrients are hard to come by and i cant mail order.any info on this would be greatly appreciated! i apprehensively picked up cacti feed which had NPK of 1-3-3, could this also be suitable??


Active Member
You want something that is high in "P" and low in "N" any good Flowering fert. would "probaly work just start off with 1/4 to 1/2 strenght to start.


Active Member
Thanks Robside...im aware that high P and low N is good im just weary of what else is in the cacti fert and wether or not it'd hurt my plant. Its Westland cacti feed and it is for succulent plants whatever that means....im wondering would i be safer sticking to a 1/4 strength 7:7:7 as i have heard it can be used the whole of the plants life cycle. Its my first grow, so any buds at all would be good, but obviously the bigger and more potent the better!! anyone with any advice please shout!!!


Well-Known Member
find a link to a description and pic of the brand and specific type of nutrient/s you are using, i'll look through it and tell you what i think about the nute/s.


Well-Known Member
you might need to mix them a slight bit every once in a while, i didnt see the cacti nutes say it had any trace nutrients which are important in it but its got a better npk level, so you might have to use the 7-7-7 very weakly added to the cacti nutes if you start to have trace element deficiencies. like 25% the 7-7-7 and 75% cacti fert.


Active Member
Sounds like mixin them could be a good idea man, ill give it a go and let ya know how it works out. heard of guys mixin cacti feed with superthrive, probably for the same reason. ill jus go easy on both type of nutes and see how she responds. Cheers for the help guys! Ill post back with pics soon...