flowering probelm


Well-Known Member
my plants lefas are turning yellow and cruling down ward and the plant are geting enough nitrogen and i even flush them between feeding because i thought they may have nutrient bulid up what could be causeing all the leafs to turn yellow and die


Well-Known Member
here are some pics of the plants am not sure if they are yellowing because they are not geting the right amount of nutrients because i am use two one gallon milk jugs to feed five plants gallon pots or if it is because i have the 1000 watt about 6 to 10 inches away



Well-Known Member
why do the pics say 2006 on them? i would water at least 5 gallons a piece. you will be surprised at the difference you should see, trust me. how often have you been watering?


Well-Known Member
every three days i feed them with one gallon milk jugs i have two of them and split them between five plants in ten gallon pots so i was thinking they may not be geting enough nutrients or it might be because the light is 6 inches away but i feed them nutrients once a week
If the lights arent burning your hand or arent getting hot when you put your hand under them, then its not that, id look more into giving more nutes, mite help, mite not, good luck.


Well-Known Member
the lights hot when i put my hand two inches away but it bleaching the leafs is that bad


Well-Known Member
I am a little late in this thread but I had to post because of the thought that came right away. So you sound like you feed,feed water or regime like that. Remeber, you dont need to apply as much feed as the manufacture would post of bottle etc. So, it would not be hard to beilve it could possible be lock up. BUT I dont think so, you bulb is to close (in all respect) and your yellow chlorosis is uniformity working from the bottom fan or feeder leaves up. Your plants consuming themselves. Its either you have to up your nitrogen or your two or three part feed program. Or you dont, and need to flush if your pounding feed at the problem. I started a feed feed, water water. Seems to work just as good for me. Best of luck.

Also, I would not doubt the cal/mag since your plants look like nut hogs! Its not un common to see lots of people lacking that when in flower. Not in my cases but for many organic grows etc.