Flowering size?


Hello everyone. I started growing 18/6 3.9.09 and began 12/12 on 4.9.09, a month after all seeds sprouted up. Everything has been going great especially for my first grow. Anyways my question is this: when i began 12/12, my plants were all about 9 inches tall. Here i am a few weeks in and my plants have ALL quadrupled in size (3 feet). One has almost quintupled (39 "). What troubles me is that since this is bagseed i dont know if its indica or sativa. From the leaves, it appears to be indica. Also, the light (a 400w hps, mh used in veg) is only a few inches above the plants. I dont really know why theyre stretching so hardcore. Can anyone help? Thanks. Btw, its a bubbleponic setup and temp and humidity, ventilation etc. are perfectly in check.


Active Member
That's just what cannabis does. It stretches 2 to 3 times its veg size when you flip it to 12/12. Give it a few weeks (3-5) and it will stop stretching. I keep my 400w HPS at least 14"-18" from the light.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
My 400 W HPS is w/in 1" of the tops of my girls, w/temps right @ canopy in mid 80's, they LOVE IT!!! I enrich w/Co2 to help w/the lil bit of heat, but I'm lookin GR8!


Word, thanks guys. I just had to move my light up a few inches, I think she'll be alright. I was just a bit concerned with how much it was growing.